Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/119094 Report that strong pro-Nasser line being taken by italian charge d’affair, Rangoon. 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Suez Canal company nationalization: publication of declaration by Col Nasser by Spanish press, 3August Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119100 Suez canal conference: report that Col Nasser will only accept invitation on conditions similar to those formulated by Soviet Union 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Suez canal company nationalization: text of Egyptian government statement read by col Nasser, 12 August Date indisponible Date indisponible Suez canal company nationalization: speech by Col Nasser, 12 August Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119101 Suez canal company nationalization: text of speech by Col Nasser, 12 August 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Cambodian support for Col Nasser Date indisponible Date indisponible Suez canal conference: request by Sir H trevelyan for confirmation that UK high commissioner, Colombo, visited Col Nasser before attending conference Date indisponible Date indisponible Libyan position on Suez: Egyptian press report on discussion between Col Nasser and Mustafa Ben Halim, Libyan prime minister and foreign minister Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119105 Forthcoming speech by Col Nasser, 12 august, FO minute on possible lines of reply 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Appraisals of possible actions by Col Nasser: FO minute, 6 august Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119111 Suez canal: passages for insertion in speech by UK foreign secretary, 14 oct, and texts of four recent speeches by Col Nasser. 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Suez canal company nationalization: reaction of Col Nasser to statement by Maj salem that Suez canal would be destroyed in event of western attack Date indisponible Date indisponible Suez canal company nationalization: announcement of forthcoming discussion between king Saud of Saudi Arabia and Mr Nehru; possibility that Col Nasser will be invited to attend. Date indisponible Date indisponible