Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/102756 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 04 mai 1953 27 mai 1953 Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi request to HM Government to sell his cotton at high price to counter pro-unity propaganda 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Anglo-Egyptian agreement: letter from UK Embassy, Cairo, explaining why versions of agreement held by both governments give precedence to one another throughout 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Message from Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi concerning request for HM Government help in selling his cotton for a good price 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: details of salaries to be paid to the two Sudanese members 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: note on background of Mian Zia-ud-Din, former Pakistani ambassador to Japan and newly appointed chairman 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: official press announcement of appointment of Mian Zia-ud-Din 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Suez Canal negotiations: report on Sudanese speculations on effects of a breakdown in negotiations on future of Anglo-Egyptian agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Suez Canal negotiations: text of statement issued by Sudanese government to satisfy speculation on effect of a breakdown in negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report on appointment of Mian Zia-ud-Din 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Request for information from Mian Zia-ud-Din, appointed as Chairman of Governor General's Commission for Sudan, for information about commission and his employment terms. Question of whether he should stay in Tokyo to deal with Prisoners of War question during Korean Armistice negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question by Mr Mott-Radclyffe concerning announcement that elections cannot be held in the Sudan until Oct 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Commonwealth link: report from W Morris of a meeting with Abdullah Bey Khalil, leader of Sudan Party, and comments on UK policy of playing down idea of union with Commonwealth 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi suggestion to HM Government to stop Sudanese journalists visiting UK 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: note that copies of minutes of meetings are being sent to Khartoum 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Efforts to counter Egyptian propaganda in Sudan: reply to query by UK prime minister on Sudanese visits to UK 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Policy towards Sudan: transfer of seats occupied on Executive Council by British officials to Sudanese and reconstitution of Executive Council 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Notes on UK policy for Sudan in event of an Anglo-Egyptian conflict 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Letter from Mr Luce commenting on visit to London of Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi for the Coronation and on likely trouble in Sudan if situation in Egypt deteriorates 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Lord Vansittart concerning effect on Anglo-Egyptian agreement of acts of aggression by Egypt against UK government 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Military support: note from Sir R Howe to UK prime minister requesting that no UK troops be sent to Sudan unless asked for 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi: request to HM Government to buy his cotton at inflated price due to his financial difficulties 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Letter from Derek Riches giving reasons for Sudanese support of Egyptian demand for evacuation of UK troops from Canal Zone 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102758 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: report from Robert Hankey that appointment remains unacceptable to the Egyptians 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: report that commission has been postponed indefinitely 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: FO minute from Mr Allen on complication caused by Major Salem's public statement on nomination of Derek Riches 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: reply from Robert Hankey to FO suggestions regarding appointment 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: letter from Sir L Grafftey-Smith agreeing to be present at meeting in Khartoum on 8 Aug 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: report of a meeting between Robert Hankey and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: report of a meeting between Robert Hankey and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: views of Sir R Howe on danger of an inoperative commission and opinion that Egyptian representative on electoral committee is in same position as Derek Riches 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: details from article in Sudanese press on parallel positions of Derek Riches and Egyptian representative on electoral committee 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: note from Robert Hankey concerning Egyptian assurance about UK nominations and reporting that Tayyeb Husain has been informed that Sir L Grafftey-Smith will attend next meeting of commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: note of protest to Egyptian Foreign Ministry, 18 July 1953, in reply to an Egyptian note of 9 July 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: record of conversation between Mr Luce, Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi and Sayed Siddik 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: record of a conversation between Derek Riches and Sayed Siddik 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: report of a speech by Gen Neguib, 29 July 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Self-government within Commonwealth: draft reply to a letter from Col Dodds-Parker MP 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards the Sudan: record of a conversation between Derek Riches, Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi and Sayed Siddik, 13 Aug 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: FO minute recommending that Robert Hankey should try to secure from the Egyptians an assurance that they have no right to veto appointment 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Derek Riches' possible appointment as alternate UK member of governor-general's commission: letter expressing concern at way in which the trade commissioner is being drawn into political controversy 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards the Sudan: record of a conversation between Sir R Howe and Sir J Bowker 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report that appointment of Mian Zia-ud-Din has been formally confirmed by Pakistani government; includes biographical details 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Letter from Derek Riches discussing Egyptian press reports on Gordon Ayom, a South Sudanese leader, who has allegedly turned pro-Egyptian 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Review of Egyptian policy: report that Gen Neguib has reviewed policy of Egyptian régime during 1952-1953, in an interview with Edward Pollock of Associated Press 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102759 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 04 septembre 1953 21 novembre 1953 UK morale in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: report of increasing co-operation with Sudan government's scheme to improve irrigation in Gezira 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: report from Sir R Howe on policy of maintaining UK influence in Sudan after independence 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: report that the Egyptians have requested details or reports on eight topics to do with UK policies 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: FO notes, minutes and papers on future UK policy in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: draft text of message to be passed to Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi if a defence agreement is reached between UK and Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan elections: note of conversations between Mr Luce, Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi and leaders of Umma Party 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Forthcoming foreign affairs debate in House of Commons, 2-5 Nov 1953: proposed answers to possible questions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: note that UK Embassy, Cairo, could supply a nominee for alternate UK member of commission, on a temporary basis 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: record of an interview between UK high commissioner and Mian Zia-ud-Din, 26 Nov 1953, regarding the latter's appointment 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Anglo-Egyptian agreement: report that UK prime minister has requested to see telegrams advising FO to accept whatever terms they are able to get when concluding agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: copies of Gen Neguib's despatches to Khartoum and replies on diverse subjects concerning Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: copy of letter from Sir J Robertson concerning Anglo-Egyptian defence agreement, UK officials and UK interest in Sudan after independence 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Relay of further despatches from Egyptian government on matters concerning Sudan, with suggested reply 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report from UK high commissioner in Pakistan that Mian Zia-ud-Din will leave for Cairo on 11 Nov 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: translation of an Egyptian decree appointing Mian Zia-ud-Din as permanent member and chairman of governor-general's commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Letter from M J Creswell discussing effects of UK propaganda in Sudanese elections 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 FO minute expressing concern over treatment by public relations officer, Khartoum, of Anthony Eden's statement against Egyptian interference in Sudan elections 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102760 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 27 novembre 1953 26 décembre 1953 Egyptian despatches to Khartoum about external and internal affairs in Sudan: letter from Sir R Howe requesting views on legal position 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Arthur Henderson MP concerning policy of UK government following Sudanese election 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK governmental statement on Sudan: minute from W Morris, FO, concerning likely form and timing of a statement from Anthony Eden 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Lord Killearn concerning official statement on UK policy in Sudan, 1924, in light of developments in the current elections 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: statements from Mian Zia-ud-Din concerning his task in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan elections: records of conversations with Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi, 2 Dec 1953 and 3 Dec 1953, and Mirghani Hamsa, 4 Dec 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan and Commonwealth: request from Sir Arnold B Gridley MP for a model answer to a question from a constituent on why the Sudanese were not given option of staying in Commonwealth 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report that Mian Zia-ud-Din is anxious to contact wife of F E Stafford, former special adviser to chief administrator in Eritrea, to offer her a post with commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy in Sudan: FO comments on proposals by Mr Dodds-Parker, joint parliamentary under-secretary of state for foreign affairs 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy in Sudan: minute from Derek Riches suggesting line he should take with Sudanese party officials and Sudanese government on his return to Khartoum 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: FO reply to request from Khartoum for legal opinion on article 4 of Anglo-Egyptian agreement, under which commission was formally appointed 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Reply from Mr Dodds-Parker to a letter from a former constituent complaining that the Sudanese are neither fit nor ready to govern themselves and that Sudan ought not to be handed over after three generations of English rule 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report concerning risk of a pro-Egyptian majority on commission if Ibrahim Ahmed is not confirmed as a member by Sudan Parliament 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy in Sudan: extract from statement in the House of Commons about UK's impartiality in Sudanese elections and granting of right of self-determination to the Sudanese 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Forthcoming UK foreign affairs debate, 17 Dec 1953: notes for Anthony Eden's speech on Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudanisation committee: enquiry from Derek Riches as to whether a suitable UK member has been found 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Future policy towards Sudan: discussion at meeting of 9 Dec 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102761 Negotiations between Egypt and UK: reaction to Egyptian demands for evacuation of the Canal Zone 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953