Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/102822 Defence negotiations between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question by Mr Wyatt MP calling for a further statement on Suez Canal negotiations Date indisponible Date indisponible Draft agreement with Egypt: views of Mr Hankey concerning articles on status of immunities of UK personnel Date indisponible Date indisponible Israeli interest in outcome of Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: discussion between Anthony Nutting and Mr Elath Date indisponible Date indisponible Possible resumption of Anglo-Egyptian talks: press statement by Gen Neguib, 30 Nov 1953; view that failure to reach agreement would only harm UK Date indisponible Date indisponible UK policy towards negotiations with Egypt: doubts of Mr Hankey; suggestion of possible alternatives Date indisponible Date indisponible Withdrawal of troops from Canal Zone base: letter of protest from a constituent of G R H Nugent MP Date indisponible Date indisponible Withdrawal of troops from Canal Zone base: letter of protest from a constituent of Dr Hill MP Date indisponible Date indisponible Availability of Canal Zone base: discussion between M J Creswell and Dr Fawzi Date indisponible Date indisponible Availability of Canal Zone base: FO minute from E B Boothby; possibility of joint affirmation of duty towards UN Date indisponible Date indisponible Parliamentary question by Major Sir G Lloyd MP concerning opportunity for Parliament to debate terms of an agreement before its ratification Date indisponible Date indisponible Construction of roads and railways in Egypt: details of work done by the Egyptians in accordance with their obligations under Treaty of 1936 Date indisponible Date indisponible Proposal for a speech on Egypt by Gen Robertson at a House of Commons dinner in Feb 1954 Date indisponible Date indisponible Effect of Egyptian behaviour on UK hopes for an agreement: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Mr Hakki Date indisponible Date indisponible Discussion of Egypt at Bermuda Conference: summary of talks between UK, US and France, 7 Dec 1953 Date indisponible Date indisponible US formula on availability of Suez Canal Zone: discussion between Anthony Eden and Mr Byroade Date indisponible Date indisponible US formula on availability of Suez Canal Zone: comments of Mr Hankey Date indisponible Date indisponible US efforts to mediate in Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: report of an article in New York Times, 10 Dec 1953, and its effect on UK relations with US and Egypt Date indisponible Date indisponible US efforts to mediate in Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: extracts from article in New York Times Date indisponible Date indisponible US efforts to mediate in Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: instruction from Mr Dulles to Egyptian ambassador, Washington, and Mr Caffery, that Egyptians should accept UK proposals Date indisponible Date indisponible Availability of Canal Zone base: FO minute on US and Egyptian formulae Date indisponible Date indisponible Availability of Canal Zone base: new Egyptian formula; note from Mr Ledward, FO, that no action can be taken until return of ministers from Bermuda Date indisponible Date indisponible US efforts to mediate in Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: comments of Anthony Eden on article in New York Times, 10 Dec 1953 Date indisponible Date indisponible Egyptian request for list of points on which agreement has already been reached: discussion between Anthony Eden and Mr Dulles, based on reports by Mr Caffery Date indisponible Date indisponible UK position regarding formulae on availability: minutes of 141st meeting of COS Committee, 10 Dec 1953 Date indisponible Date indisponible UK position regarding formulae on availability: minute by Mr Ledward; request for a legal opinion Date indisponible Date indisponible US interest in Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: discussion between Sir P Dixon and Mr Byroade, Bermuda; US proposal of an alternative for clause 3 of availability formula Date indisponible Date indisponible Israeli interest in Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: comparison between FO draft answer to a note from Israel and previous note from UK prime minister Date indisponible Date indisponible US formula on availability of Canal Zone: discussion between Anthony Eden and Mr Byroade, Bermuda Date indisponible Date indisponible Egyptian formula on availability of Canal Zone: minute by E B Boothby on definition of global war Date indisponible Date indisponible US interest in Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: discussion of various formulae by E B Boothby and Mr Wilson Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/102823 Re-opening of Anglo-Egyptian defence talks: brief for Selwyn Lloyd's meeting with Mr Hakki, 11 Dec 1953; review of situation after Bermuda Conference 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Suggestion from Mr Hankey that the Egyptians should not be given list of points on which agreement has been reached until after preliminary meetings between Dr Fawzi, Gen Neguib and Gen Benson, new UK delegate Date indisponible Date indisponible Suggestion by UK prime minister that negotiations with Egypt should be broken off and evacuation of UK troops declared Date indisponible Date indisponible UK-Egyptian views on questions of uniform and availability: discussion between Selwyn Lloyd and Mr Hakki Date indisponible Date indisponible UK government's reasons for wanting a defence agreement with Egypt: brief for meeting between UK prime minister and President Eisenhower Date indisponible Date indisponible Egyptian view on question of uniform: discussion between M J Creswell and Dr Fawzi Date indisponible Date indisponible Possible resumption of defence negotiations: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi Date indisponible Date indisponible Draft Anglo-Egyptian defence agreement: Air Ministry comments on revised texts of Annexe A and Exchanges of Notes Date indisponible Date indisponible Egypt and Sudan: House of Lords foreign affairs debate, 17 Dec 1953: FO preparatory notes Date indisponible Date indisponible Egypt and Sudan: report of debate arising from a motion by Lord Rennel about UK government's commitments and responsibilities in Egypt Date indisponible Date indisponible UK need for a base in Middle East: note by Chief of Imperial General Staff (CIGS); reasons why Suez Canal Zone is best location Date indisponible Date indisponible Effect of extreme statements by Egypt on outcome of defence negotiations: discussion between Gen Neguib, Mr Hankey and Gen Benson Date indisponible Date indisponible Availability and reactivation of Canal Zone base: statements made by Col Nasr, 14 Dec 1953 Date indisponible Date indisponible Anglo-Egyptian defence agreement: proposed answer to forthcoming parliamentary question by Lord Killearn regarding possibility of debate on agreement before its ratification Date indisponible Date indisponible Establishment of an alternative military base at Negev, Israel: view of E L Mallalieu MP Date indisponible Date indisponible Suggestion by Anthony Eden for a meeting to provide military information to Conservative MPs before House of Commons debate Date indisponible Date indisponible Attempts of UK and Egyptian governments to continue efforts to reach an agreement: discussion between Sir R Stevenson, Col Nasr and Major Salem Date indisponible Date indisponible Financial arrangements for RAF staging post at Abu Sheir after conclusion of an Anglo-Egyptian agreement Date indisponible Date indisponible Canal Zone problem: FO minute on financial, legal and strategic position of maintaining a military base in Egypt Date indisponible Date indisponible Suggestion of a gradual withdrawal of UK troops from Egypt without reopening negotiations: letter from Mr G Beresford Craddock MP to Anthony Eden Date indisponible Date indisponible Concentration of fewer UK troops into a small section of Canal Zone base: discussion of idea put forward by Capt Waterhouse MP for concentrated base area Date indisponible Date indisponible Egypt and the Sudan: note for speech by Selwyn Lloyd in foreign affairs debate, 17 Dec 1953 Date indisponible Date indisponible Technicians at Suez Canal base: answer of Gen Robertson to questions from MPs as to whether 4,000 technicians represent a force Date indisponible Date indisponible Availability of Suez Canal Base: discussion between Mr Caffery and Dr Fawzi Date indisponible Date indisponible Plan for redeployment of UK troops from Egypt: MOD strategy for completion of withdrawal within 15 months of date on which agreement comes into force Date indisponible Date indisponible Informal negotiations between UK and Egypt: report from Sir R Stevenson that progress has been made on all points except availability and uniforms Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/102824 Defence negotiations between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Informal negotiations between UK and Egypt: full record Date indisponible Date indisponible Prospect of new agreement between UK and Egypt, to replace 1936 agreement: views of Julian Amery MP and Patrick Maitland MP on speech by Anthony Eden in House of Commons, 17 Dec 1953 Date indisponible Date indisponible Proposal from UK prime minister that Gen Festing, GOC UK troops in Egypt, should return to UK for discussion about situation in Canal Zone Date indisponible Date indisponible US intervention in Anglo-Egyptian defence negotiations: discussion between Mr Lewis Jones and Mr Caffery Date indisponible Date indisponible Report that Mr Dulles is not prepared to dissuade Gen Neguib from visiting the Sudan Date indisponible Date indisponible Availability of Canal Zone base and uniforms for technicians: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi Date indisponible Date indisponible Possibility of persuading Egyptians to accept a suitable availability formula: views of Mr Hankey and M J Creswell; FO minute by Mr Ledward Date indisponible Date indisponible Stage reached in negotiations with Egypt after meeting on 21 Oct 1953: memorandum prepared for US; outline of nine points on which UK delegation tried to secure agreement in principle Date indisponible Date indisponible Egyptian obstinacy concerning points on availability and military status of technicians: view of Sir R Stevenson Date indisponible Date indisponible UK directive not to accept anything less than proposals already put forward: instructions for meeting between Sir R Stevenson and Egyptian delegation Date indisponible Date indisponible Israel and Anglo-Egyptian negotiations: summary of points raised in Israeli note; draft reply from Mr Ledward Date indisponible Date indisponible Amendments to UK draft Anglo-Egyptian defence agreement: minutes of MOD meeting, 30 Sept 1953 Date indisponible Date indisponible Directive for discussion between Sir R Makins and Mr Dulles: points on availability and uniforms, and Status of Forces agreement Date indisponible Date indisponible Provision for continuing or terminating an agreement with Egypt: view of R C Mackworth-Young, FO, on final appreciation by Gen Robertson Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/102882 Airfreight service between Sudan and the Belgian Congo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102907 Proposed meeting to deal with the problem of return of sites owned by the Suez Canal Company but occupied by British forces 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953