Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/102748 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 25 février 1953 04 mars 1953 Future of Sudan: suggestion from Col Dodds Parker MP that a cabinet minister should visit Sudan; proposal of a scheme for absorbing former government officials into suitable posts 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Amendments to preamble to agreement: suggested alterations from Sir R Howe with comments on likelihood of Egyptian approval 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: list of facilities that will be made available by Sudan government for members of the commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report from Sir R Howe concerning most popular choices as Sudanese representatives 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan-Egypt negotiations: copy of letter from SRP to chief staff officer of Egyptian troops in Sudan concerning Egyptian draft agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Visit by Sir L Grafftey-Smith and W Morris to Sudan: suggestion that Sir R Howe might rearrange his programme to avoid cancellation 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudanese independence: full translation of Gen Neguib's speech on Sudan, 16 Feb 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report that the Egyptians will shortly announce their nominee who will be either Wg Cmdr Hussein Zulficar or Ali Neguib 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan commissions: view of Sir R Stevenson that payment of expenses should be same for both governor-general's commission and electoral commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan statute: report from Sir R Stevenson urging acceptance of Egyptian requests for complete redraft of preamble 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK Parliament: notes on Anglo-Egyptian discussions on Sudan, for House of Lords debate on 4 Feb 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: result of vote for Sudanese membership by representatives of four Northern political parties 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: note from Sir R Howe that although accommodation in Khartoum is limited they will endeavour to find housing for Pakistani chairman's staff 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan statute: report from Sir R Stevenson that he is despatching a note to Egyptian Foreign Ministry suggesting amendments to statute 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report from Sir R Howe on withdrawal of Hammad Tewfik from candidature for commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 US press: report from D A Logan, resident clerk, FO, concerning US press reaction to Anglo-Egyptian agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Sir H Williams MP concerning non-uniformity throughout phrasing of UK draft agreement with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan commissions: comments on Egyptian nominations for electoral and governor-general's commissions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian press: telegram from Sir R Stevenson to Khartoum about a report in Al Misri that eight district commissioners have been appointed as resident magistrates to avoid Sudanisation 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report from Sir R Stevenson that Egyptian government are maintaining their nomination of Ibrahim Ahmed and Dardiri Mohammed Osman for the Sudanese posts 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian press: comments upon and full translation of a speech made by Gen Neguib to Sudanese students at Al Azhar, 20 Feb 1953, published in Al Ahram 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: discussion between Sir R Howe and Wg Cmdr Hussein Zulficar on unsuitability of Dardiri Mohammed Osman 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Viscount Simon concerning power of Sudanese Parliament to amend self-government statute and power of judiciary to affect parliamentary legislation 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Anglo-Egyptian negotiations: letter from M J Creswell discussing Egyptian attitude during negotiations and adverse effects of interventions by Mr Caffery 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan parties: letter from E F Werner, representative of a UK company working in Sudan, to Anthony Eden concerning his conversation with Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: details of a conversation between Sir J Robertson and Abdullah Bey Khalil concerning nominations of Mohammed Hassan Diab and Ibrahim Ahmed 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Anglo-Egyptian agreement: message of congratulation from Zafrullah Khan to Anthony Eden on conclusion of Sudan agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102749 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 04 mars 1953 13 mars 1953 Resident magistrates: report from Sir R Stevenson that Egyptian government wants appointment of commissioners as resident magistrates to be cancelled 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan commissions: report from Sir R Howe concerning Egyptian support for Dardiri Mohammed Osman and objection to appointment of J C Penney, former UK representative on UN Council for Libya, as UK representative to electoral commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Resident magistrates: report from Sir R Howe that no appointments have been made and that Egyptian anxiety is baseless 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: details of discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Major Salem concerning nomination of Dardiri Mohammed Osman 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Visit by Sir L Grafftey-Smith to Sudan: notification that he will be leaving London for Khartoum on 6 Mar 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Visit by Sir L Grafftey-Smith to Sudan: suggestion from Sir R Stevenson that W Morris might spend a few days in Cairo on his way back from Khartoum 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudanisation committee: suggestion that J C Penney might take over as UK representative on Sudanisation committee at end of his period with electoral committee 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan statute: proposed redraft of preamble to statute from Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan statute: report from Sir R Stevenson that a UK redraft of preamble is being put to Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: telegram concerning nomination of Mirghani Hamsa and right of Sudanese to determine their own representatives 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commision: note from Sir R Stevenson to Dr Fawzi concerning UK government's preference for Ibrahim Ahmed and Mohammed Hassan Diab as Sudanese representatives 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan statute: note from Sir R Stevenson to Dr Fawzi concerning UK amendments to preamble of draft statute 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan statute: report from Sir R Stevenson that the Egyptians have rejected UK draft formula and have proposed that statute should be promulgated with virtually no preamble 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: view of Sir R Stevenson that if Sayed Ali Mirghani, leader of Khatmia sect of Sudan, were to accept that Mohammed Hassan Diab and Ibrahim Ahmed obtained majority vote, the problem would be referred back to Sudanese parties for their decision 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Visit of W Morris to Sudan: request from Sir R Stevenson for him to visit Fayid on his way back from Khartoum 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report that the Egyptian government are prepared to accept Ibrahim Ahmed and Mirghani Hamsa of NUP, provided they are acceptable to Sayed Ali Mirghani 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Ethiopian reaction: letter from D L Busk, UK ambassador, Addis Ababa, concerning reaction of Sudanese communities in Djibouti and Addis Ababa to negotiations in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Resident magistrates: copy of bulletin released by UK Secretariat, Khartoum, in order to clarify situation 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report from UK high commissioner in Pakistan on efforts to secure Mr Ikramullah's acceptance of chairmanship of commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: view of Sir R Stevenson that the Egyptians are trying to secure nomination of a Sudanese member sympathetic to unity with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: letter from Mr Cleary, CRO, to Mr Allen, head of African Department, FO, emphasising importance of providing accommodation for members of commission in accordance with their rank 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian press: details of press campaign against Sudan administration and suggestion from Sir R Stevenson that a strong protest should be made forthwith 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian press: report by Sir R Stevenson that Gen Neguib has been repeating accusations about the Sudan administration loosely based on one of UK ambassador's own reports 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Columbian press: comments on photograph from El Tiempo, Bogota, 15 Feb 1953, of Gen Neguib showing reporters and photographers the pen he used to sign the Sudan agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian press: report of statement by Egyptian minister for national guidance that Sudan administration is trying to stir up trouble in the hope of achieving its imperialistic aims 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian attacks on Sudan administration: suggested lines for a protest from Sir R Howe to Gen Neguib 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Law and order: request from Sir T Rapp for repetition to Fayid of telegrams dealing with Egyptian subversion and law and order in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: view of Sir R Howe that it might be better to accept nomination of Dardiri Mohammed Osman temporarily, until Sudanese parties persuade Parliament to get rid of him 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian attacks on Sudan administration: report from Sir R Howe supplying facts to refute specific accusations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian press: comments on Selwyn Lloyd's statement concerning Gen Neguib's accusations against Sudanese administration 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian attacks on Sudan administration: record of a protest by Selwyn Lloyd, minister of state for foreign affairs, to Egyptian ambassador, London, regarding statements attributed to Gen Neguib 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian attacks on Sudanese administration: report of a discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi concerning accuracy of statements by Gen Neguib and means of investigating such matters 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: view of Sir G Jebb, UK permanent representative to UN, that UK should not give way on question of Sudanese members of commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102797 Defence negotiations between Egypt and UK 06 mars 1953 13 mars 1953 Conversation between Field Marshal Sir W Slim, former chief of Imperial General Staff, Earl Alexander, UK minister of defence, and COS on agenda for UK-US discussions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Report by Joint Service Working Party on preparations for defence negotiations with Egypt: records of three meetings held at GHQ MELF discussing points raised in report 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Air Ministry brief on availability of air transport for redeployment and for evacuation of stores and equipment in preparation for UK withdrawal from Canal Zone 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Exchange of correspondence between Winston Churchill, UK prime minister, and President Eisenhower concerning UK-US position on Suez Canal and MEDO 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 FO minute by Sir J Bowker concerning timing and text of an announcement on opening of negotiations with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Report from Sir R Makins of a suggestion from US State Department for modification of last paragraph of announcement, concerning role of Gen Hull, vice-chief of staff of US Army, in negotiations with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Text of a US draft communiqué on opening of defence negotiations with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Telegram from Sir G Jebb agreeing with draft announcement on opening of defence negotiations and suggesting one slight amendment 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Message from Anthony Eden, UK foreign secretary, approving the wording contained in US modification of the draft announcement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Report from Sir R Makins that US State Department has agreed to UK communiqué on defence negotiations: revised text of first paragraph of US communiqué 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Text of UK communiqué, as agreed with US State Department 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Discussion between Sir W Strang, permanent under-secretary of state, FO, and René Massigli, French ambassador, London, concerning Anthony Eden's talks in Washington and forthcoming defence talks in Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Telegram from Sir R Stevenson suggesting that UK and US should make a joint approach to the Egyptians with a proposal for tripartite talks 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK military representation at defence negotiations in Cairo: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Gen Robertson 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Copy of a paper from War Office (WO), submitted for consideration at a meeting of Working Party on Middle East Redeployment, 3 Mar 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102750 Governor-general's commission: report from Sir R Stevenson that Dr Fawzi has undertaken to secure a formal decision from Sudanese parties concerning their nominations for the two Sudanese posts 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian propaganda campaign: report from Sir R Stevenson of assurance by Dr Fawzi that Egyptian government does not intend to make any political propaganda in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Lord Killearn concerning Southern safeguards and governor-general's powers 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan self-government statute: Sir R Howe proposing to sign statute without preamble on 21 Mar 1953; Sir R Stevenson to inform Egyptian government 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan visit: report from Sir R Stevenson about his conversation with Dr Fawzi concerning visit of UK minister of state 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 12 mars 1953 20 mars 1953 Egyptian attacks on Sudan administration: message from Anthony Eden to Selwyn Lloyd on need for a statement to counteract Egyptian accusations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian attacks on Sudan administration: report from Sir R Howe quoting alleged arrest of a son of Chief Jambo of Moru tribe as example of the type of rumour being promulgated by journalists 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian attacks on Sudan administration: text of protest from Sir R Howe to Gen Neguib concerning Egyptian leader's statement about Sudan administration 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian attacks on Sudan administration: extract of a letter from Capt Waterhouse MP to UK prime minister, urging that action should be taken to combat Egyptian activities in South 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: message from NUP objecting to Selwyn Lloyd's statement regarding nomination of Dardiri Mohammed Osman 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan investigations: message from Sir R Howe objecting to Egyptian proposal that machinery should be set up to resolve political incidents in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 No description available 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report of a conversation between Sir R Stevenson and Gen Neguib concerning nomination of Dardiri Mohammed Osman 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: suggestion from Sir R Howe that three foreign members should appoint electoral commission and that selection of two Sudanese members should be left to Sudan Parliament 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 No description available 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Military presence: record of meeting of Chiefs of Staff of UK armed forces, Mar 1953, to discuss position regarding RAF interest in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Visit by Egyptian delegation to South of Sudan: further details of visits of Major Salem and Sheikh el Baghouri in Jan 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan self-government statute: account of negotiations with Egypt and suggestion that statute should be promulgated without a preamble 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan self-government statute: suggestion from Sir R Stevenson that draft should be promulgated with abbreviated preamble without seeking Egyptian concurrence 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Hector McNeil MP concerning complaints from Gen Neguib about breaches of Anglo-Egyptian agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report from Sir R Howe confirming Gen Neguib's claim that Sayed Ali Mirghani supported nomination of Dardiri Mohammed Osman 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: proposal that Gen Neguib should be informed of UK decision regarding second Sudanese member during his discussion with Sir R Stevenson on question of Egyptian visit to Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Anglo-Egyptian relations: request from Sir T Rapp that all documents concerning Sudan should be repeated to Fayid 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: request from Tayyeb Husain, Pakistani alternate member, for documents to assist in drawing up commission's rules of procedure 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Visit to Sudan by Major Salem: report that he will leave for Khartoum on 19 Mar 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 World press: enquiry from Sir R Stevenson concerning media coverage of Egyptian assertions about Sudan administration 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102798 Defence negotiations between Egypt and UK 12 mars 1953 17 mars 1953 General brief for UK representatives in defence negotiations with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Arrangements regarding military advice for Field Marshal Sir W Slim during forthcoming negotiations in Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Necessity of US assistance in any defence negotiations with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian intentions in defence negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Submission to cabinet of note setting down reasons why UK must reach an agreement with Egypt not only over Sudan but also over Canal Zone 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 US government insistence that US participation in negotiations should be at invitation of UK and Egyptian governments 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Report that Sir R Stevenson would meet Gen Neguib, Egyptian prime minister, and Dr Fawzi, Egyptian foreign minister, on 14 Mar 1953, to discuss the start of defence negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Report that René Massigli has expressed French government's concern at being excluded from defence negotiations, while US are to participate 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Report on meeting between Sir R Stevenson, Mr Caffery, Gen Neguib, and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Request from Sir R Stevenson for information on UK military base in Belgium and US base in UK 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 US views on themes to be put to the Egyptians during negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian decision not to invite US to participate in defence negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Report that René Massigli has been told of UK intention to open defence talks promptly, and has requested that his government be kept informed and that an early start be made to tripartite talks on Suez Canal 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian decision not to invite US to participate in defence negotiations: details of a discussion between Gen Neguib, Dr Fawzi and Mr Caffery 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Safeguards for technicians left in Canal Zone after withdrawal of UK troops 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Report from Sir R Stevenson that the Egyptians are willing to participate in a regional defence organization after evacuation of Canal Zone 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Main points of Mr Caffery's report on his discussion with Gen Neguib 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sir T Rapp, head of British Middle East Office (BMEO), Fayid: note that he has texts of defence agreements with Belgium and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), but not with US 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Proposed directive from UK prime minister, appointing Field Marshal Sir W Slim as head of UK delegation to Cairo, to conduct defence negotiations with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953