Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/102813 Defence negotiations between Egypt and UK 28 juillet 1953 06 août 1953 Report that Gen Robertson has been authorized to renew negotiations on basis of earlier UK proposals, or to propose a ten-year agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Speeches in foreign affairs debate in House of Commons, 29 July 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Agreement between UK and Egypt to start informal discussions before attempting to re-open formal negotiations: meeting between Dr Fawzi, Mr Hankey and Gen Robertson 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Draft communiqué, to be submitted to the Egyptians for approval, announcing opening of informal talks 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Status of UK personnel in Canal Zone: note that Egyptians are unlikely to accept terms less favourable than those given to the Libyans 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Recommendations regarding instructions for Gen Robertson 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Note for Lord Salisbury for cabinet meeting on 23 July 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Timing of re-opening of negotiations with Egypt: parliamentary question from Mr Wyatt MP 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Meeting between Mr Seoud and FO officials concerning German armament tools, UK check points in Ismailia and resumption of negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Action in Egypt in event of trouble: draft minute to UK prime minister 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Informal talks on Canal Zone base: Egyptian suggestion of amendments to draft communiqué; report that Egyptians are employing delaying tactics, but have agreed to establishment of a working party; Egyptian views on duration of agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Informal talks on Canal Zone base: announcement by Major Salem that talks mark a new stage in relations between the two countries 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Right of entry to Canal Zone base: note that Dr Fawzi has been informed of UK formula, and that the Egyptians will shortly be making a response 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK formula on availability of Canal Zone base: view of Gen Robertson 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Resumption of defence negotiations: FO recommends approval of proposal of delegations to issue a joint statement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 No description available 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Draft amendments to brief on defence negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Question of including some US technicians in the Suez base: request that a view be formed immediately about US representation in Canal Zone 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Duration of a new defence settlement with Egypt: discussion between Lord Salisbury and FO chiefs 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Instructions about Canal Zone base: draft telegram to UK delegation, Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 No description available 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102814 Defence negotiations between Egypt and UK 06 août 1953 31 août 1953 Various difficulties connected with resumed negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Reduction of forces in Canal Zone: notes prepared for defence debate in House of Commons, 29 July 1953, in reply to points raised by Emanuel Shinwell MP 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian departure from agreement on minimal publicity during informal talks: commentary on extract from The Times, 5 Aug 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Draft cabinet paper on resumed negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Plans for dealing with Egyptian POWs and civilian detainees: UK attitude in relation to various Geneva Conventions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Progress of negotiations with Egyptians: discussion between Julius W Holmes and Lord Salisbury; report that if Egyptians break a signed agreement, UK will have full co-operation from US 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Defence of US attitude towards Cairo negotiations: views of Gen Bedell Smith 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Discussion between Dr Pawelke, German ambassador, Cairo, and Gen Neguib, 2 Aug 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Status of UK forces in Canal Zone: view that UK delegates should only accept jurisdictional terms equivalent to those in the Libyan agreement as a last resort 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Suggestion for an Anglo-Egyptian panel to advise on replacing UK technicians with Egyptians 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Cabinet consideration of proposed instructions for UK delegation, Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Air Ministry views on points concerning RAF 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Announcement of a further meeting with Egyptians towards end of Aug 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Possibility that Egyptians will be unable or unwilling to operate any agreement on Canal Zone base: views of Mr Hankey, based on his discussion with Turkish ambassador, Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 COS consideration of paper containing proposed instructions for UK delegation, Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Revision of clause on availability in draft agreement to be presented to Egyptians 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Progress of UK delegation in negotiations with Egypt: note for Lord Salisbury, for use in cabinet meeting, 25 Aug 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102815 Defence negotiations between Egypt and UK 31 août 1953 21 septembre 1953 MOD meeting, 27 Aug 1953, concerning number and duration of UK technicians in Canal Zone base 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Suggestions for Lord Salisbury's conference with diplomatic correspondents regarding negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Question of whether moment has arrived for US to intervene in negotiations: FO memorandum 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Summary of position reached in negotiations by 31 Aug 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 First draft of defence agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Training of Egyptian replacements for UK technicians 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Number of inspectors required under case C of UK proposals for defence agreement: view of Brig Baker, WO 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Duration of UK occupation of Canal Zone: report that Egyptians have informed Mr Caffery that they would be willing to accept 6 years as period of agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Summary of position reached in negotiations by 12 Sept 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK-US exchange of views on likelihood of agreement between UK and Egypt: discussion between Lord Salisbury and Mr Aldrich 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Likelihood of an agreement between UK and Egypt: discussion between Gen Robertson and Sir Zafrullah Khan, Pakistani foreign minister 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Comments of Treasury, WO and Air Ministry on draft agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Right of re-entry of UK forces into Canal Zone: Egyptian formula 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Iraqi support in Anglo-Egyptian negotiations: discussion between Sir J Troutbeck, UK ambassador, Baghdad, and Iraqi prime minister and foreign minister 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Enlistment of support for UK proposals in negotiations with Egypt: list of draft instructions to UK Embassies, UK High Commissions, and UK delegation, Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Enlistment of support for UK proposals in negotiations with Egypt: reports that Mr Dulles has been informed of UK proposals; possible US objection to passage on freedom of navigation through Suez Canal 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 US support for longest possible duration of agreement on occupation of Canal Zone: view of Gen Bedell Smith that stipulation about navigation might wreck prospect of a settlement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Draft instructions to Cairo that question of US technicians should not yet be discussed with Egyptians: view that US interest in Abu Sueir airfield should not be revealed 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Possible meeting between Israeli ambassador, London, and Lord Salisbury: report that Israeli Embassy has been kept informed of progress of negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102759 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 04 septembre 1953 21 novembre 1953 UK morale in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: report of increasing co-operation with Sudan government's scheme to improve irrigation in Gezira 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: report from Sir R Howe on policy of maintaining UK influence in Sudan after independence 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: report that the Egyptians have requested details or reports on eight topics to do with UK policies 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: FO notes, minutes and papers on future UK policy in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: draft text of message to be passed to Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi if a defence agreement is reached between UK and Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan elections: note of conversations between Mr Luce, Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi and leaders of Umma Party 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Forthcoming foreign affairs debate in House of Commons, 2-5 Nov 1953: proposed answers to possible questions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: note that UK Embassy, Cairo, could supply a nominee for alternate UK member of commission, on a temporary basis 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: record of an interview between UK high commissioner and Mian Zia-ud-Din, 26 Nov 1953, regarding the latter's appointment 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Anglo-Egyptian agreement: report that UK prime minister has requested to see telegrams advising FO to accept whatever terms they are able to get when concluding agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: copies of Gen Neguib's despatches to Khartoum and replies on diverse subjects concerning Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy towards Sudan: copy of letter from Sir J Robertson concerning Anglo-Egyptian defence agreement, UK officials and UK interest in Sudan after independence 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Relay of further despatches from Egyptian government on matters concerning Sudan, with suggested reply 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report from UK high commissioner in Pakistan that Mian Zia-ud-Din will leave for Cairo on 11 Nov 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: translation of an Egyptian decree appointing Mian Zia-ud-Din as permanent member and chairman of governor-general's commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Letter from M J Creswell discussing effects of UK propaganda in Sudanese elections 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 FO minute expressing concern over treatment by public relations officer, Khartoum, of Anthony Eden's statement against Egyptian interference in Sudan elections 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
FO#371/102816 Defence negotiations between Egypt and UK 19 septembre 1953 07 octobre 1953 Australian assistance in defence negotiations: suggestion that Mr McClure-Smith might return to Cairo as a mediator; report that Mr McClure-Smith is to meet Lord Salisbury, 17 Sept 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Attitude of Mr Caffery to UK defence proposals: meeting between Mr Caffery and UK officials, Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Maintenance of Canal Zone base: comparison of UK and Egyptian proposals 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 View of Col Nasr concerning UK proposals: discussion between Col Nasr and Mr Caffery 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Likelihood and consequences of an agreement with Egyptians: minutes of meeting held by Lord Salisbury, 14 Sept 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 View of Sir R Makins that it would be untimely to approach US State Department, since Mr Caffery has only recently received his instructions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Duration and terms of an agreement with Egypt: views of Mr Hankey 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Duration and terms of an agreement with Egypt: discussion between Egyptian ambassador, Washington, and US State Department; opinion of Col Nasr about new UK proposals 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian view that negotiations have broken down: discussion between Sir G Jebb and Dr Badawi, Egyptian delegate to UN, New York; report that Dr Badawi will attack UK in his speech in general debate, 25 Sept 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 French aid in obtaining US support for UK proposals: note for discussion between Lord Salisbury and René Massigli 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Results of meeting with Egyptians, 23 Sept 1953: further draft instructions to Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Suggestion that UK delegation should be allowed to use their discretion in making arrangements for a further meeting 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 US reactions to results of latest meetings with Egyptians 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Uniform to be worn by UK personnel in Canal Zone: request from Mr Hankey for further instructions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Discussion between Lord Salisbury and Gen Robertson, 18 Sept 1953: view that UK minister of defence would be best person to present an agreement to the press 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Discussion between Lord Salisbury and Gen Robertson, 18 Sept 1953: maintenance of Canal Zone base in final period of agreement 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Permission for governments of India and Pakistan to be given information regarding progress of negotiations: request for Indian and Pakistani reactions to UK requests for support 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Note that Indian and Australian chargés d'affaires have received no instructions to make representations to Egyptian government in support of UK proposals 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Israeli aggression in demilitarized zone: discussion between Lord Salisbury and Mr Hakki; uniform to be worn by UK personnel in Canal Zone 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Air staging facilities: view of Mr Hankey that subject of immigration and customs should be handled carefully in negotiations with Egypt 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Consequences of any agreement to evacuate UK troops from Canal Zone: views of Mr Hankey 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Egyptian suggestions regarding freedom of navigation of Suez Canal and availability of Canal Zone base: discussion between Mr Hankey and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Token withdrawal from Canal Zone: COS discussions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Financial issues and defence talks: note from R A Butler, chancellor of Exchequer, that financial discussions will have to be introduced before final stage of negotiations 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 No description available 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 New construction in Canal Zone after withdrawal of UK troops: views of Air Ministry 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Line to be taken with Egyptian delegation: views of UK delegation, Cairo 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Israeli interest in results of defence talks: discussion between Mr Elath and Roger Allen, head of African Department, FO 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Freedom of navigation through Suez Canal: Ministry of Transport (MOT) views on inclusion of an article on navigation in defence talks 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Financial questions in connection with defence agreement: memorandum from GHQ, MELF 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Indian interest in defence talks: report that Mr Nehru, Indian prime minister, was pleased to hear of progress towards an agreement, but is reluctant to intervene 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Maintenance of Canal Zone base during final period of occupation: request from Mr Hankey for further instructions 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953