Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/102760 Agreement between Egypt and UK on the Sudan: efforts to achieve implementation 27 novembre 1953 26 décembre 1953 Egyptian despatches to Khartoum about external and internal affairs in Sudan: letter from Sir R Howe requesting views on legal position 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Arthur Henderson MP concerning policy of UK government following Sudanese election 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK governmental statement on Sudan: minute from W Morris, FO, concerning likely form and timing of a statement from Anthony Eden 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Parliamentary question from Lord Killearn concerning official statement on UK policy in Sudan, 1924, in light of developments in the current elections 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: statements from Mian Zia-ud-Din concerning his task in Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan elections: records of conversations with Sayed Abdul Rahman el Mahdi, 2 Dec 1953 and 3 Dec 1953, and Mirghani Hamsa, 4 Dec 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudan and Commonwealth: request from Sir Arnold B Gridley MP for a model answer to a question from a constituent on why the Sudanese were not given option of staying in Commonwealth 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report that Mian Zia-ud-Din is anxious to contact wife of F E Stafford, former special adviser to chief administrator in Eritrea, to offer her a post with commission 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy in Sudan: FO comments on proposals by Mr Dodds-Parker, joint parliamentary under-secretary of state for foreign affairs 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy in Sudan: minute from Derek Riches suggesting line he should take with Sudanese party officials and Sudanese government on his return to Khartoum 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: FO reply to request from Khartoum for legal opinion on article 4 of Anglo-Egyptian agreement, under which commission was formally appointed 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Reply from Mr Dodds-Parker to a letter from a former constituent complaining that the Sudanese are neither fit nor ready to govern themselves and that Sudan ought not to be handed over after three generations of English rule 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Governor-general's commission: report concerning risk of a pro-Egyptian majority on commission if Ibrahim Ahmed is not confirmed as a member by Sudan Parliament 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 UK policy in Sudan: extract from statement in the House of Commons about UK's impartiality in Sudanese elections and granting of right of self-determination to the Sudanese 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Forthcoming UK foreign affairs debate, 17 Dec 1953: notes for Anthony Eden's speech on Sudan 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Sudanisation committee: enquiry from Derek Riches as to whether a suitable UK member has been found 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953 Future policy towards Sudan: discussion at meeting of 9 Dec 1953 01 janvier 1953 01 janvier 1953
DEFE#7/1011 Questions arising from the Anglo-Egyptian Agreement of October 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1955
FO#371/108311 Annual political reviews for 1953 on Egypt by HM Ambassador, and on Sudan by UK Trade Commissioner in Khartoum 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108312 Fortnightly political summeries for Egypt and Sudan covering period December 1953 to December 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108313 Fortnightly political summeries for Egypt and Sudan covering period December 1953 to December 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954