Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/108418 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian concession on availability: discussion between Mr Murray and Maj Salem, Egyptian minister of national guidance: Egyptian surprise at lack of response by UK government 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: paper entitled `Customs and Other Fiscal Laws and Regulations' 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Suez Canal Zone base: question of immunities for UK technicians 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Revised draft of annex C, article 1(4) 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 COS Committee: record of meeting, 28 May 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: memoranda for review before cabinet discussion, 15 June 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: FO minute highlighting need for negotiation with Egypt before it is too late 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 COS Committee: extract from meeting, 9 June 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 8 June 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 US encroachment on negotiations: view that Egyptians should be told that situation is being reviewed 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Details of cabinet discussion, 22 June 1954: view that new approach to conclusion of an agreement should be made with reference to a firmer guarantee regarding freedom of navigation through Suez Canal 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108419 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reopening of negotiations on Canal Zone: minutes of meeting held at MOD, 18 June 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 US participation in defence negotiations: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 US participation in defence negotiations: view of Sir R Stevenson that an approach should be made to Egyptians before visit to Washington by UK prime minister and UK foreign secretary 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Revised draft agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Manning of Canal Zone base: view of Mr Prince, MOD, that as UK seem to be pursuing the civilian contract scheme, there seems no point in reviewing the details of the technicians scheme 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone negotiations: report from Anthony Eden that decision will be made following return from discussions in Washington; instruction that nothing should be said to Egyptians unless approached by them 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone negotiations: draft statement to be made by Lord Alexander, UK minister of defence; request for Admiralty comments 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone negotiations: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 US support for UK proposals: report on Washington talks 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Brief for Anthony Eden's talks in Washington 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: maintenance of a minimum nucleus base by civilian contract labour; draft letter to Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Developments on Canal Zone question since 3 June 1954: draft letter to Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 New Canal Zone proposals: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft heads of agreement: views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Discussion between Mr Bromley and Mr Seoud: query whether Anglo-Egyptian talks will be resumed in the near future 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108421 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Position reached in negotiations by 21 May 1954: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Resumption of negotiations: letter from FO to Sir R Stevenson and FO minutes 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft heads of agreement: comments of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft annex 1 to heads of agreement: comments of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: views of Sir R Stevenson; request for guidance regarding installations to be operated during peace time 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft agreement with preamble and revised annexes: texts and FO comments 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft annex B, `Fiscal and Administrative Arrangements': text and FO comments 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft appendix 2, `Installations and Buildings to be handed over to Egyptian Government': draft telegram to Cairo, requesting views on financial implications 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft appendix 2, `Installations and Buildings to be handed over to Egyptian Government': views of Sir R Stevenson regarding possibility of asking for payment for installations ceded to Egyptians 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Heads of agreement: suggestion from Sir R Stevenson regarding wording of paragraph 10 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reopening of negotiations: report that news has been broken by British United Press (BUP), and that press are seeking confirmation 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment meeting, 5 July 1954: draft defence agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reopening of defence talks: view of Sir R Stevenson that no information should be given to press until line has been agreed with Col Nasser 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reopening of defence talks: line agreed with Col Nasser to be given to press; notification of next meeting to be held in Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108422 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Heads of agreement: report that UK formula on overflying rights has been put to Col Nasser; request for information on existing precedents 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Importance of a long term agreement: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Col Nasser; reaction of Col Nasser to draft heads of agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Release of information to press: report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reopening of defence talks: report that Mr Caffery has been told of meeting between Sir R Stevenson and Col Nasser and is to communicate with Egyptians, supporting UK proposals 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian reactions to UK proposals: report from Sir R Stevenson on discussions between Mr Caffery and Egyptian ministers 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reopening of defence talks: text of agreed press statement to be released on 12 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: revised list of installations and buildings to be maintained or handed over to Egyptians 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Canal Zone agreement: position of Egyptian delegation on major points raised at meeting, 11 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft heads of agreement: Egyptian changes 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft annex to heads of agreement: Egyptian changes; comments of UK delegation 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Visit to UK of Gen Benson: documents for Selwyn Lloyd's meeting with Gen Benson, 7 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Negotiations with Egypt: note from WO to Middle East Redeployment (MER) Committee, for incorporation in consolidated brief for negotiators 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Military matters involved in agreement: report from BDCC for COS 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Request from Mr Hakki for an interview with Anthony Eden: views of Mr Millard, FO 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Maintenance of Canal Zone installations: views of service authorities to annex 1 of draft heads of agreement; suggestion for a UK co-ordinating authority to deal with day to day matters with Egyptians 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108423 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: request from Egyptian delegation for UK views on size and scope of future base; draft reply from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Inclusion of Persia in availability formula: request from Sir R Stevens, UK ambassador, Tehran, for information on latest developments; FO reply 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian reaction to UK proposals: discussion between Mr Caffery and Col Nasser 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian reaction to UK proposals: discussion between Selwyn Lloyd and Mr Hakki 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Navy House, Port Said: transmission of documents from R R Cole, Treasury solicitor, to legal adviser, UK Embassy, Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Discussion to be held between Selwyn Lloyd and Mr Hakki, 12 July 1954: FO suggestions 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Anglo-Egyptian Negotiations: draft brief prepared by Working Party on Middle East Redeployment for BDCC 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Meeting between UK and Egyptian delegations, 15 July 1954: draft texts of heads of agreement, representing Egyptian position 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Meeting between UK and Egyptian delegations, 15 July 1954: list of points conceded by Egyptians and points on which UK and Egypt still disagree 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Meeting between UK and Egyptian delegations, 15 July 1954: points relating to Persia, withdrawal period and duration; Egyptian attitude 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial aspects of defence negotiations: letter from MOD to FO, enclosing draft report to Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Canal Zone agreement: outline of difficulties facing Egyptian régime 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Immunities for UK technicians: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Revised draft heads of agreement and annex: FO minute; report that Sir R Stevenson has been asked for his views on overflying rights 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Suggested Egyptian amendments to draft heads of agreement: minutes of meeting of Working Party on Middle East Redeployment, 13 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: request from WO for information on installations to be maintained and future location of war reserves; replies from MELF 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Inclusion of Persia in availability clause: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954