Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/108424 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Inclusion of overflying rights in heads of agreement: letter from Mr O'Grady, Air Ministry, to Mr Millard 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: Egyptian intention to reconvene Parliament in Jan 1956, following UK evacuation; report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: report from GHQ MELF based on discussions with negotiators 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Points which may arise in defence negotiations which will require a cabinet decision: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Necessity for UK co-ordinating authority to represent UK firms in Canal Zone: letter from Maj Gen Packard, WO; views concerning direct employment of civilians 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Length of Canal Zone agreement: view of Anthony Eden that UK should insist on June 30 1966 as closing date for the agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 UK material in Canal Zone base: level of supplies existing at the time the agreement is signed; comments of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Length of Canal Zone agreement: Egyptian refusal to extend periods of duration and withdrawal, due to UK insistence upon inclusion of Turkey in availability clause 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Suggested change of title for appendix `Installations to be handed over to Egyptian Government': report from UK Embassy, Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Staffing of Canal Zone base: request for views of GHQ MELF on numbers of UK based civilians; view that issue would have to be agreed with Egyptians 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Position reached in negotiations by 20 July 1954: report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Formula on air matters for inclusion in heads of agreement: letter from Selwyn Lloyd to Lord De L'Isle and Dudley, secretary of state for air 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Major issues of contention in Anglo-Egyptian agreement: FO minute concerning duration of agreement and period of withdrawal 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Forthcoming discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi, 21 July 1954: view that Egyptians would not accept further changes regarding duration of agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Resumption of negotiations: agreement between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi that everything should be done to dispel impression that talks have broken down 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian view of negotiations: text of press interview given by Col Nasser to The Times; reactions of Sir R Stevenson and FO ministers 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Request from UK delegation, Cairo, for instructions for meeting with Egyptians, 24 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Press coverage of negotiations: report that Egyptian press has not reported on the talks, except for usual editorials 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 UK facilities in Canal Zone: request from Sir J Sterndale Bennett, BMEO, Fayid, for UK policy regarding use of facilities in the event of war 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal from Canal Zone base: MOD report 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Canal Zone negotiations: proposed visit to Cairo of Antony Head, to take part in discussions with Egyptian government 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Canal Zone negotiations: details of informal meeting to be held 26 July 1954 between UK and Egyptian delegations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Evacuation period and duration of agreement: proposals from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Position reached in negotiations with Egypt: FO minute prepared for secretary of state 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Position reached in negotiations with Egypt: report from Sir R Stevenson that final proposal has been put to Egyptians and that agreement may be signed by 28 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 US involvement in negotiations: report that Mr Caffery is to be informed of the results of meeting with Egyptians, 26 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: signature of final agreement, 27 July 1954; report that heads of agreement are to be initialled and that press will shortly be briefed 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: details of approaches by Antony Head to Mr Caffery, Col Nasser and Commonwealth representatives regarding their attitude towards the agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Supply of UK planes to Israel: discussion between Selwyn Lloyd and Mr Hakki, 12 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: report that Mr Shuckburgh will be informing FO of details, including press communiqué; return of Antony Head and entourage to London, 28 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: report that heads of agreement have been initialled by UK and Egyptian delegations, 27 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: text of heads of agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: text of press communiqué 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: discussion between Antony Head and Mr Caffery; undertaking by Mr Caffery to recommend to US government that statement supporting initialling of heads of agreement should be made 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108425 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: text of annex to heads of agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian anxiety to begin negotiations for conclusion of whole agreement: request from Sir R Stevenson for services of FO legal adviser 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian anxiety to begin negotiations for conclusion of whole agreement: interview between Mr Seoud and Mr Bromley; discussion about lack of confidence prevalent on both sides during negotiations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian desire to conclude final agreement by 1 Sept 1954: views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Minutes of COS meeting, 21 July 1954: view of Field Marshal Sir John Harding, chief of Imperial General Staff (CIGS), that UK policy should be to secure maximum period for withdrawal 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Revised draft of preamble, main agreement, annexes and appendices, prepared after signing of heads of agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Preparations for drafting of full agreement: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Navy House, Port Said: letter from Admiralty to Mr Millard 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Discussion between Selwyn Lloyd and Mr Hakki, 20 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Arguments in favour of a ten year agreement: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Minutes of plenary meeting of UK and Egyptian delegations, 26 July 1954: initialling of heads of agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Texts of heads of agreement and annex: FO minute requesting authority for printing of texts as white paper 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Exchange of messages between Anthony Eden and Col Nasser: report that message has been passed to Col Nasser, who agreed that exchange of messages should not be publicized 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial aspects of agreement: appeal from Mr Murray for financial annex containing principles to be observed in dealing with various categories of installations; FO comments 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Period of withdrawal from Canal Zone: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Initialled copies of heads of agreement and plenary meeting of delegations: report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Terms of reference for drafting of agreement: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Request from Sir R Stevenson for information on number of inspectors to be attached to UK Embassy, Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Discussion of air defences during forthcoming negotiations: views of Sir R Stevenson concerning MEAF representative's brief 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108426 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Possibility of open ended availability clause: FO minute entitled `Definition of an "Outside Power"' 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Details of sums advanced to Mr Beards and Mr Shuckburgh, FO officials who accompanied Antony Head on his visit to Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Guidance on press releases: view of Antony Head that any statement on result of negotiations must contain sufficient strategic background to explain clearly reasons for UK's actions 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Possible UK formula for duration of agreement: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Update on negotiations with Egypt: FO note for Sir I Kirkpatrick 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 UK attitude towards negotiations: outline of UK wishes for inclusion in agreement and review of alternatives 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Duration of Canal Zone agreement: Egyptian arguments; views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft preamble and main agreement: views of Mr Murray; enclosure of revised drafts 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian anxiety to conclude agreement by 1 Sept 1954: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Message from Anthony Eden to Col Nasser expressing pleasure at signature of heads of agreement: FO suggestion that message might be relayed via Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: minutes of meeting, 5 Aug 1954; examination of preamble and text of agreement; date for next meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: draft articles A, B and C; text suggested by Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of installations: outline of tactics for achieving payment 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft agreement: inclusion of two additional paragraphs in terms of reference 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Status of UK contractors: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Egyptian delegation; Egyptian view that firms and personnel should be liable to income tax 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian request for rent to be paid for areas occupied by base installations: views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian call for early conclusion to final agreement: discussion between UK and Egyptian delegations, 7 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft terms of reference for Canal Zone committees: letter from Mr Murray to Mr Bromley, 3 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft preamble and inclusion of article covering identical points: report from Sir R Stevenson concerning views of Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 5 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Tentative working draft of Anglo-Egyptian agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of installations: request from UK Embassy, Cairo, for confirmation of UK policy 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of installations: request for information on existing precedents 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Use of Canal Zone facilities in the event of war: points raised by Dr Fawzi in his speech accepting offer made by Antony Head 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Exchange of messages between Anthony Eden and Col Nasser: discussion between Selwyn Lloyd and Mr Hakki 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Intention of Egyptian Army and Air Force to take over and operate installations upon their vacation by UK forces: views of GHQ MELF 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: minutes of meeting, 10 Aug 1954; Egyptian suggestions for amendments to treaty 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Amendments to texts of preamble and articles 3-5 of defence agreement: views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108427 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft articles (III) and 6: reply of Sir R Stevenson to points raised by FO, which were not discussed during last meeting of Drafting and Steering Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Contract requirements in nucleus Egypt base: WO note 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 FO letter to Mr Murray, accounting for delays in replying to telegrams from Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of Canal Zone installations: report from Sir R Stevenson that UK argument has been put to Egyptian delegation, who will reply at next meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of Canal Zone installations: report that proposal to Egyptian delegation has been put to Financial Committee; comments of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of Canal Zone installations: views of Dr Fawzi regarding financial aspects of UK proposals 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial Committee: minutes of meeting, 12 Aug 1954; discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial Committee: suggestions made by Sir R Stevenson to meet Egyptian arguments regarding expense of maintaining Canal Zone base 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial Committee: right of UK government to remove fixtures and equipment from Suez Canal base; views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial Committee: list of points concerning disposal of equipment 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Right of UK government to remove fixtures and equipment from Suez Canal base; draft telegram from FO to UK Embassy, Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial aspects of agreement: summary of points raised by Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft preamble and main agreement: discussion of texts presented by Sir R Stevenson to Egyptian delegation 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial aspects of agreement: possibility of despatching a Disposals Organization to Egypt; communication from Treasury to MOD 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Discussion of draft agreement: minutes of meeting of Working Party on Middle East Redeployment, 9 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: arrangements for reproduction and distribution of papers; texts of latest reports 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Treasury suggestion that additional paragraph to terms of reference for Finance Committee should be omitted 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian use of Abu Sueir airfield: views of Sir R Stevenson; request for FO comments 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of Canal Zone base: agreed level of supplies; details of fourth meeting of Organization Committee, 16 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Exclusion of Israel from all aspects of defence agreement: letter from Mr Murray to Sir John Sterndale Bennett 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of Canal Zone installations: communication from Treasury to MOD enclosing note on ownership of base installations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108428 Minutes and reports of Canal Zone committees: memorandum on references of papers issued by Military Negotiations Egypt (MNE) Secretariat during first half of Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: minutes of third meeting, 16 Aug 1954; draft agenda 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Heading and referencing of papers issued by MNE Secretariat 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: minutes of third meeting, 11 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 12 Aug 1954: discussion of recent Cairo telegrams 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: minutes of fourth meeting, 16 Aug 1954: revision of treaty and its annexes 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ability of Egyptian State Railways to maintain locomotives and railway waggons: request from Sir R Stevenson for FO views 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Security of Canal Zone installations: discussion between Sir R Stevenson, Gen Benson and Sir J Duncanson, director, National Research Development Corporation 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Security of Canal Zone installations: draft on security for inclusion in annex on organization of base; communication from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: report of meeting, 17 Aug 1954; agreement to various drafting changes suggested by Egyptians; discussion of further changes 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: text of revised draft article 5 regarding withdrawal of forces 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of Canal Zone equipment: FO reply to points raised by Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: matters for discussion at fourth meeting, 16 Aug 1954; draft report by UK members of Sub-Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: agenda for fourth meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: minutes of second meeting, 11 Aug 1954; revised draft schedule of withdrawal 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Finance Committee: minutes of second meeting, 12 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Lists of dates of forthcoming committee meetings 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954