Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/108429 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: draft agenda for fourth meeting, 19 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Co-ordination of radio frequencies in Canal Zone area during withdrawal period: report from Withdrawal Sub-Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Immunities of UK forces during withdrawal period: report of Withdrawal Committee to be tabled during third meeting of Drafting and Steering Committee, 17 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: draft agenda for fifth meeting, 19 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: minutes of third meeting, 16 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Immunities Sub-Committee: points arising from first and second meeting, 14 and 16 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Memorandum listing forthcoming committee meetings 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Schedule of withdrawal from Canal Zone: line taken by Sir R Stevenson in reply to Egyptian arguments 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Immunities Status Sub-Committee: notes on draft immunities and draft imports and exports agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: terms of reference regarding provision and security screening of labour; matter to be tabled at fourth meeting, 19 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: exchange of letters concerning matters to be tabled at third meeting, 17 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Immunities of UK forces during withdrawal period: report to be tabled at third meeting of Withdrawal Committee, 16 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Provision and security screening of labour: text of Withdrawal Committee terms of reference 2(a) 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Definition of `an outside power' in reactivation clause: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Inclusion of Israel in reactivation clause: letter from Sir J Sterndale Bennett to Mr Murray 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Signature of agreement in principle: letters of congratulation from Anthony Eden to Sir R Stevenson, Gen Benson and Gen Robertson; comments of US media 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of Canal Zone installations: report from Sir R Stevenson; suggestion for lists of installations to be drawn up in three classes 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Preamble to main agreement: request from Sir R Stevenson for permission to present Egyptian delegation, Drafting and Steering Committee, with revised formula 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Care and maintenance of installations ceded to Egyptians: report from Sir R Stevenson; Egyptian view that UK should make substantial contribution towards cost; request to director of hirings to review the installations in question 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Preamble to main agreement: view of UK Embassy, Cairo, that the two suggested redrafts are not viable 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Return to Cairo of Mr Milner, Middle East Department, Treasury: request that UK Embassy, Cairo should be sent telegram informing them of his arrival as soon as possible 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: minutes of third meeting, 17 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: special documentation; draft article prepared by UK delegation 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: status of contractors; draft article prepared by UK delegation 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: Egyptian designated authority and civilian board of management; amended draft proposal by UK delegation to be tabled at fifth meeting of the Committee, 19 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: agreed level of supplies (article 6 of heads of agreement and 2 of agreed minutes); draft UK amendment to be tabled at fifth meeting of the Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: agreed level of supplies; explanation of term used in draft proposal by UK delegation, regarding vehicles, fuels and other supplies which may be required by contractors 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: security of installations; draft proposal by UK delegation to be tabled at fifth meeting of the Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: minutes of fifth meeting of the Committee, 19 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: minutes of fourth meeting, 19 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108430 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Security of Canal Zone installations: report of Security Sub-Commitee, to be tabled at sixth meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Procedure for clearance of UK material through Egyptian ports: counter proposals prepared by UK delegation for discussion at meeting of Movements Sub-Committee, 20 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Provision and security screening of labour (terms of reference 2(a)): report of Withdrawal Committee to be tabled at fourth meeting of Drafting and Steering Committee, 24 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: draft agenda for fifth meeting, 22 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Establishment of agreed level of supplies and procedure for clearing UK material into and out of Canal Zone base: agreed report by Level of Supplies and Movement Sub-Comittee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: draft agenda for sixth meeting, 22 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian designated authority and civilian board of management: amended draft prepared by UK delegation, to be tabled at sixth meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base and Withdrawal Committees: minutes of sixth meeting, 22 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: explanation of suggestion by UK delegation for single list of installations to be tabled at sixth committee meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: terms of reference to be tabled at fourth meeting, 24 Aug 1954; report from Withdrawal Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of locomotives and railway stock: request for FO decision on UK policy, in order to determine whether railway workshop and railway sidings items are to figure on list of installations in Canal Zone base 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian intention to call Canal Zone area an Egyptian base and to rest their responsibility for security on sovereign rights: report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Excise immunities during withdrawal period: details of Financial Sub-Committee meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Use of non-internationally registered radio frequencies in Canal Zone area during withdrawal period: amendment to report of Withdrawal Sub-Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of Canal Zone installations: request from Sir R Stevenson for clarification of FO requirements regarding 109 maintenance unit 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Excise immunities during withdrawal period: details of revised index figure requirement calculated by Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI) 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Excise immunities during withdrawal period: concessions for beer and tobacco; report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Position of Royal Naval institutions in Egypt: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 List of Canal Zone installations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Views of W M Graham, UK legal counsellor, Cairo, on status of Admiralty's title deed to Admiralty House, Port Said 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Level of supplies to be held in Canal Zone base during withdrawal period: agreed article prepared by Level of Supplies Sub-Committee, to be tabled at seventh meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 New construction: UK draft paragraph for inclusion in annex on Organization of the Base, to be tabled at seventh meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Redraft of main agreement, tabled by Egyptian delegation, Drafting and Steering Committee, 30 Aug 1954: views of UK delegation 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Redraft of main agreement, tabled by Egyptian delegation, Drafting and Steering Committee, 30 Aug 1954: draft text of article 4 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Payment of municipal rates in Canal Zone: views of Sir R Stevenson on matters raised by Egyptians in Immunities Sub-Committee of Financial Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Risk of victimization, following UK withdrawal, for those who had continued to work for or assist UK forces since abrogation: report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of railway stock: view of Sir R Stevenson that Egyptian State Railways should not find difficulty in paying for material if they really want it 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Number of officials to remain in Egypt following withdrawal of UK forces: views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Level of supplies to be held in Canal Zone base during withdrawal period: agreed article prepared by Level of Supplies Sub-Committee, to be tabled at eighth meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Special documentation for UK technicians recruited outside Egypt: draft article prepared by UK delegation to be tabled at seventh meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base and Withdrawal Committees: minutes of seventh meeting, 26 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Additional housing in Canal Zone base: UK draft paragraph for inclusion in Annex to heads of agreement, to be tabled at seventh meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Approximate breakdown of total of 1750 UK technicians in Canal Zone area 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial Committee: minutes of third meeting, 23 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Inducements for Egyptians: question of workshops providing employment for Egyptian labour; views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Special documentation for UK technicians recruited outside Egypt: report to be tabled at eighth meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 List of Canal Zone installations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Agreed proposals on procedure to be followed in clearing UK material in and out of Canal Zone base: report to be tabled at eighth meeting of Organization of the Base Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Possible effect of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement on UK's ability to carry out treaty obligations to Jordan: letter from Sir J Sterndale Bennett to Mr Shuckburgh 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108431 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of installations in Canal Zone base under contract system: WO lists 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reactivation of Canal Zone base in event of Israeli attack: correspondence between Sir J Sterndale Bennett and Mr Murray 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 26 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 19 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 20 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 23 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 25 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 List of installations: request from Sir R Stevenson for clearance to submit list to Egyptians on Mon 6 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 List of installations: view of Sir R Stevenson that certain serials should not be moved; agreement that list Y should not be shown to Egyptians 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: report on meeting, 5 Sept 1954; discussions of articles 1-5 and insertion of clause on Canal Zone into preamble of agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Description of Canal Zone base: alternatives to Suez Canal base being described as Egyptian 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Installations to be retained in contract base and connected public utilities: MNE lists 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Installations to be retained in contract base and connected public utilities: suggestion for deletion of some items on list Z; view of Sir R Stevenson that list should not be given to Egyptians before agreement is signed 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: report on meeting, 6 Sept 1954; Egyptian view that base must be described as an Egyptian base 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Lists of Canal Zone installations: summary of points made during discussion between UK and Egyptian delegations, 6 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Lists of Canal Zone installations: request for FO comments on Egyptian proposals 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Lists of Canal Zone installations: Egyptian bid for whole of headquarters area; report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 30 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 UK formula on ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 UK formula on ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: FO minute discussing Egyptian objections and question of when agreement shall come into force 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reserve holdings of locomotives and rolling stock in Canal Zone base: letter from Maj-Gen Packard, vice quartermaster general (VQMG), to Mr Millard, enclosing telegrams transmitted between MELF and WO 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reactivation of Suez Canal base in the event of Israeli aggression: letter from Sir J Sterndale Bennett to Mr Murray, 30 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 List of Canal Zone installations: report from Sir R Stevenson giving variations in list handed to Egyptian delegation, 6 Sept 1954, from MER Committee list of 31 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Position of Israel with regard to Suez Canal base: discussion between Mr Millard and Mr Gazit, Israeli Embassy, London 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 31 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Procedure for clearance of UK material through Egyptian ports: draft telegram from FO to UK Embassy, Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial Committee: minutes of fourth meeting, 28 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: level of supplies to be held in the base; agreed article prepared by the Committee and forwarded to Drafting and Steering Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: special documentation; redraft article prepared by UK delegation, to be tabled at eighth Committee meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base and Withdrawal Committees: minutes of eighth meeting, 30 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: Egyptian designated authority and civilian board of management; article prepared by the Committee and forwarded to Drafting and Steering Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: status and liabilities of contractors and documentation; article prepared by the Committee and forwarded to Drafting and Steering Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: additional housing; agreed draft paragraph for inclusion in annex on organization of the base, for consideration at ninth Committee meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: procedure for clearance of UK material through Egyptian ports; article prepared by the Committee and forwarded to Drafting and Steering Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: engagements of workers by contractors and their security screening; draft provisions prepared by UK delegation, Labour Sub-Committee, to be discussed at eighth Committee meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: agreed provisions 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: Egyptian counter-draft of main agreement, tabled at fourth meeting, 30 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: minutes of fourth meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Lists of installations: comments of MOD, communicated to GHQ MELF 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Fixing of full delegation meeting for 16 Sept 1954: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi, 7 Sept 1954; view of Sir R Stevenson that such a meeting would be useful 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Listing of parts of Canal Zone base: views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft of main agreement: FO minute concerning location of reference to Suez Canal 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft of main agreement: FO minute concerning main points to be cleared with MER Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Evacuation of UK troops from Canal Zone base: request from Press Department, Egyptian Foreign Ministry, for text of speech made by Selwyn Lloyd, 18 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108432 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Offer to Egyptians of all barrack blocks and accommodation in Moascar, surplus to contractors' requirements: request from Sir R Stevenson for confirmation that proposition still stands 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: report by UK delegation on proceedings of meeting of Labour Sub-Committee, 29 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base and Withdrawal Committees: minutes of ninth meeting, 2 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: financial supervision and control of contractors; draft exchange of letters prepared by UK delegation 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: legal position of civilian contractors and technicians 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial Committee: interim report of Immunities Sub-Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: additional housing; agreed draft paragraph forwarded to Drafting and Steering Committee for inclusion in annex on organization of the base 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Revised provisional lists of installations to be retained in Canal Zone base: parts of lists W and X 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Revised provisional lists of installations to be retained in Canal Zone base: full texts of lists W and X 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Draft of main agreement: FO minute; report that Mr Hakki has agreed that the reference to Suez Canal clause shall be made in an article of the agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: provision and security screening of labour; additional paragraph prepared by UK delegation for discussion at ninth meeting of Drafting and Steering Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Withdrawal Committee: confirmed text 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: breakdown of items within agreed level of supplies 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: provisional list of installations to be retained in the base 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 6 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Security of Canal Zone installations: text of Egyptian amendment to article in heads of agreement, which Sir R Stevenson proposes to accept 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Air Officer Commanding (AOC) 205 Group: report from Sir R Stevenson that there is no intention for his participation in negotiations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Air Officer Commanding (AOC) 205 Group: telegram from HQ MEAF, Ismailia, to UK Embassy, Cairo, asking whether they intend him to take part in full delegation meeting, 16 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: security of installations; suggested heading and first paragraph for appendix to annex on organization of the base; text to be tabled at tenth Committee meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: minutes of fifth meeting, 5 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reactivation of Canal Zone base in the event of Israeli aggression: letter from Mr Murray to Mr Peck, BMEO, Fayid 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Readiness of Admiralty to run Navy House, Port Said, on civilian basis: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future function of naval installations in Egypt: letter from FO in reply to request from Sir R Stevenson for further information 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Canal Zone base: FO draft reply to Cairo concerning points discussed between UK and Egyptian delegations, Organization of the Base Committee, 6 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 7 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 3 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian claims regarding Canal Zone installations: report from GHQ MELF to MOD 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Recall to Cairo of Major Salem to take part in formation meeting of Egyptian delegation to Anglo-Egyptian negotiations: report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Possible partition of Moascar: report from Sir R Stevenson that Egyptians have still not agreed in principal to discussion; list of queries regarding delineation of contractors requirements 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Security of Canal Zone installations: discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Refusal of Egyptian negotiators to accept UK proposal that Moascar should be handed over to contractors: report from Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian counter draft of main agreement: text tabled by Egyptian delegation at meeting of Drafting and Steering Committee, 30 Aug 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Lists of Canal Zone installations: MOD comments 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Signature of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: FO minute suggesting 16 Sept 1954 as suitable date for full delegation meeting 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: note by secretary, attaching lists of installations prepared by WO 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base and Withdrawal Committees: minutes of tenth meeting, 6 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: minutes of meeting of Installations Sub-Committee, 6 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Lists of installations to be kept by UK and those to be run by Egyptians on UK's behalf: FO minute reporting that Sir R Stevenson has handed lists to Egyptian negotiators; comments on handing over of Moascar area 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Revised provisional lists of installations to be retained in Canal Zone base: report from Sir R Stevenson that Egyptian delegation are calling for transfer of certain installations to list X; request for FO guidance 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108433 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Request from FO to UK Embassy, Cairo, for information on likely form of completed agreement: FO minute; WO suggestion for dealing with problem of Moascar 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting of main agreement: discussion between Sir R Stevenson, Col Nasser, Dr Fawzi and Major Salem 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting of main agreement: agreement of Col Nasser to examine possibility of partition of Moascar 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting of main agreement: statement by Col Nasser that he could not agree to inclusion in main agreement of paragraph 7 of heads of agreement, but would accept its inclusion in annex on withdrawal 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting of main agreement: agreement of Col Nasser to UK proposal for the closing text of article 2 in main agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting of main agreement: discussion of article 11 of main agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting of main agreement: report that Col Nasser has agreed to drop article 14 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting of main agreement: proposal from Col Nasser for deletion of ratification article; statement that agreement should come into force from date of signature 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Lists of Canal Zone installations: views of Sir R Stevenson regarding those in list X 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Security of Canal Zone installations: view of Sir R Stevenson that Egyptians do not intend to have separate article on security 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Order proposed by Egyptians for draft articles on reactivation, withdrawal after reactivation and consultation: FO objection on grounds that it would preclude UK from preparation, in the event of a threat 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Future of Admiralty installations in Canal Zone area: views of Sir R Stevenson 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Signature of main agreement: FO suggestion for immediate preparation of necessary full powers to be granted to Sir R Stevenson and Gen Benson as UK signatories 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Sale of Navy House and naval oil installations at Port Said to UK firms: letter from Admiralty to FO 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 8 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting of main agreement: report that that Dr Fawzi has asked when replies are expected to points raised by Col Nasser, 14 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Egyptian agreement to division of Moascar: request for FO comments on accommodation for contractors 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Sale of Navy House and naval oil installations at Port Said to UK firms: report that Admiralty are now prepared to sell the properties; list of points which require covering 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 13 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 14 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Partition of Moascar: view of Sir R Stevenson that it is essential to keep the nearby base at Connaught Camp in the picture 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Staffing of Ataka group of installations: request for FO guidance on number of UK technicians to be sought as maximum, assuming Ataka group is transferred to list X 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Organization of the Base Committee: engagement of workers by contractors and their security screening; subject to be discussed at eleventh meeting of the Committee 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial Committee: minutes of sixth meeting, 8 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Installations Sub-Committee: minutes of second meeting, 10 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954