Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/108439 Notification of discussion between Col. Nasser and leaders of UK delegation , to be held on 21 dec. 1954: proposal of Mr. Nutting to delay departure until after meeting. 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108442 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Steering Committee: exchange control; published exchange of notes 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Steering Committee: financial control of contractors and visiting inspectors; published exchange of notes 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: details of progress made in negotiations and copies of MNE papers superceding those dated 14 Oct 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Signature of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: request from MISR press agency, Cairo, for comments of Anthony Eden 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Drafting and Steering Committee: draft list of Canal Zone base installations forming appendix A to part A of annex II of agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Installations Sub-Committee: report on findings of Sub-Committee to be considered by Steering Committee on 18 Oct 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Steering Committee: final form of agreed minutes 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 14 Oct 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Discussion between Sir R Stevenson and Col Nasser, 21 Oct 1954: report that Gen Neguib has refused to sign decree necessary for promulgation of the agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Signature of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: FO suggestion that arguments be prepared for press correspondents, defending features most likely to be attacked in UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 18 Oct 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Conclusion of agreement: discussion between Sir Anthony Eden and Mr Hakki, 26 Oct 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Final adjustments to Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: minutes of Working Party on Middle East Redeployment meeting, 19 Oct 1954; 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Final adjustments to Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: FO minute requesting copies of plan of RAF base, Ismailia, and enclosure to note 7(b); enquiry whether there is anything else to go into agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Handing over of installations under Anglo-Egyptian Agreement and removal of certain equipment prior to transfer: report from BDCC, GHQ MELF to MOD 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Handing over of installations under Anglo-Egyptian Agreement and removal of certain equipment prior to transfer: telegram from Mr Murray supporting BDCC recommendations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Handing over of installations under Anglo-Egyptian Agreement and removal of certain equipment prior to transfer: communiqué from MOD to GHQ MELF replying to questions raised on the subject 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of stores held in Navy House, Port Said: WO reply to Admiralty enquiry 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Record of meeting between Directors of Services' Public Relations Policy and Working Party on Middle East Redeployment, 30 Sept 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ommission of enclosure to note 7(b) from white paper on Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Transfer of arms and radar equipment to Egypt: discussion between Mr Street, FO, and Mr Gazit 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Final stages of negotiations and Egyptian reactions to the agreement: report from Mr Garvey to Sir Anthony Eden 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108444 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Handing over of installations under Anglo-Egyptian Agreement and removal of certain equipment prior to transfer: request from GHQ MELF to MOD for urgent decision on UK line 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification by UK of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: discussion between Mr Murray and Dr Fawzi 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial implications of agreement with Egypt as regards Army: note from WO to FO enclosing information about costs already quoted in Parliament 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of installations on list Z: report from Mr Murray that although nothing of size has been dealt with, the disposals programme appears to have got off to a good start 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Financial aspects of agreement with Egypt: Treasury minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Transfer to Egyptians of equipment needed to operate Canal Zone installations: FO minute 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Transfer to Egyptians of equipment needed to operate Canal Zone installations: report from MOD to GHQ MELF regarding BDCC proposals 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: publication in Egyptian press of article explaining `Ponsonby rule' on ratification; request from Mr Murray for clarification 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification by Egypt of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: statement from Mr Murray that he has been unable to trace source of article in Daily Express regarding reluctance of Gen Neguib to promulgate the agreement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Letter from Chancery, UK Embassy, Cairo, regarding copies of site plan of RAF base, Ismailia: suggestion to enclose key map of list of installations on separate sheet behind white paper 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: report from Chancery, UK Embassy, Cairo, stating that they hope to be able to send complete Arabic texts of agreement, so that the instruments of ratification can be prepared 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: Arabic text of main agreement and annex I 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: Arabic text of annex II 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: legal position; view of Mr Murray that having established legal rights, UK should not enforce them too vigorously 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Equipment associated with installations in appendix B: letter from V H E Cole, MOD, to Mr Serpell 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108445 Defence negotitations and agreement between Egypt and UK 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reactivation of Delta Wireless and Telegraphy (WT) station and provision of accommodation for Royal Navy at Port Said in wartime: letter from Mr Murray to Rear Admiral Brock, Flag Officer, Middle East (FOME) 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: request from Egyptian Foreign Ministry for information on when instrument of ratification would be ready if only English text is included 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of properties on list Z to Egyptians: views of Mr Serpell 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: report from Mr Murray that Egyptians remain anxious for speedy action but wish Arabic text to be included in instrument of ratification 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: `Ponsonby rule'; FO minute stating that the rule will not come into force since it is not recognised by the Conservative Party 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: FO minute and draft reply to UK Embassy, Cairo 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: enquiry from Mr Murray whether removal of Gen Neguib from Egyptian presidency will affect text of instrument of ratification 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Ratification of Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: FO minute stating that the texts would not be ready until 1 Dec 1954 due to difficulty of getting Arabic printed in London 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Working Party on Middle East Redeployment: minutes of meeting, 1 Nov 1954; disposal of Canal Zone equipment and installations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Signature of unratified agreement: letter from UK Embassy, Cairo, recommending amendment to white paper which indicates that all delegates signed agreed minute, whereas only Sir R Stevenson and Dr Fawzi signed 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Reopening of negotiations with Egypt: FO minute prepared 9 July 1954 for discussion between Anthony Eden and Mr Mendès-France, French prime minister and foreign minister 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Right of UK to remove equipment from Canal Zone installations: draft reply from MOD to request from UK Embassy, Cairo, for views on legal position 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Right of UK to remove equipment from Canal Zone installations: FO recommendations 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Progress of negotiations with Egypt: note prepared by Selwyn Lloyd for Anthony Eden, 15 July 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of hangars from Abu Sueir airfield: agreement of Air Ministry that action should be suspended while position is being reconsidered locally; request for views of RAF HQ, 205 Group 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Letter from Mr Murray to accompany transmission of Egyptian instrument of ratification and UK text of certificate of exchange 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of hangars: proposal of GHQ MELF that three Bellman hangars should be removed, while facilities for doing so still exist 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of hangars: report from GHQ MELF that hangars are to remain at Abu Sueir, leaving a surplus of 21 hangars in Canal Zone above redeployment requirement 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Disposal of hangars: message from Air Ministry to GHQ MELF, endorsing decision to leave hangars at Abu Sueir, subject to agreement of Sir R Stevenson; outline of UK position regarding other airfields 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: brief for ministerial meeting of North Atlantic Council, Paris, 17-18 Dec 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Treaty of Joint Defence between Arab League States: draft exchange of notes regarding signature of the treaty; views of W M Graham concerning position of Iraq 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: letter from Chancery, UK Embassy, Cairo, asking whether documents relating to the agreement are going to be published in the Treaty Series 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Transfer of installations under the terms of the Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: views of Mr Verry, Air Ministry 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Translation of law no 637 approving Anglo-Egyptian Agreement: text sent by UK Embassy, Cairo, with accompanying letter 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954 Accommodation at Moascar and MEAF HQ: note concerning outcome of cabinet discussions, 12 Oct 1954 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954
FO#371/108568 Sale by Sotheby of gold plate and silver of King Farouk: claim by trustees of St Michael's College, Tenbury, for return of gold enamelled plate donated to college by founder Sir Gore Ouseley 01 janvier 1954 01 janvier 1954