Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

Référence portée de : à :
FO#371/119139 Suez Canal: statement by Col Nasser to Press Trust of India correspondent; Egyptian press coverage 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Suez Canal situation: Egyptian press coverage of interview between Col Nasser and Greek newspaper correspondent Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119141 Egyptian proposals for handling Suez dispute: memorandum from Col Nasser to Greek government 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Policy of Col Nasser: Syrian public opinion Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119143 Suez and UN: confirmation that Col Nasser's proposal for negotiation had been made with Indian government's full support 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Request from UK high commissioner, Delhi, for confirmation of alleged statements by Col Nasser about India and Pakistan Date indisponible Date indisponible Suez Canal: decrease in Jordanian public support for Col Nasser Date indisponible Date indisponible Suez Canal: attitude of Egyptian public to Nasser regime and Suez dispute Date indisponible Date indisponible Arab world opinion on Col Nasser and Suez Canal dispute: discussion between UK high commissioner, Delhi, and Ranjani Dutt, president, Indian Communist Party Date indisponible Date indisponible Egyptian policy on Suez: interview given by Col Nasser to Polish press, 12 Sept 1956 Date indisponible Date indisponible Possibility that Col Nasser has granted Aristotle Onassis, Greek shipping magnate, a contract to construct pipeline to run alongside Suez Canal Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119154 Shah of Iran's influence over Col Nasser: report by Sir R Stevens, 11 Oct 1956 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Suez Canal: interview with Col Nasser to be broadcast on US radio, 1 Oct Date indisponible Date indisponible Possible use of President Chamoun as intermediary between UK and Col Nasser Date indisponible Date indisponible Shah of Iran's influence over Col Nasser: view of Sir H Trevelyan Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/125505 President Nasser of Egypt: reported as using canal to pressurize foreign shipping; UK view that US and SCUA should be alerted 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Statements by president Nasser refuting suggestions that canal should be leased for 10 years Date indisponible Date indisponible