Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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FO#371/125511 Statement by Dr C Malik, lebanese foreign affairs affairs minister: view that UN secretary general was pessimistic on outcome of his talks with President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957
FO#371/125512 Possible use of Suez Canal by UK ships: impracticality of payment in sterling; possible payment in foreign currency 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 3 of meeting on 21 Mar 1957; payment of dues 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: report by Working Committee on possible intertim arangement 20 mars 1957 20 mars 1957 Discussion between Sir H Caccia and Mr Dillon: approach to UN Security Council and whether US would take initiative 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Reply of Dr Fawzi to US ambassador: argument against inclusion of reference to six principles in Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Sir H Caccia's notification of emergency telegram due on 4 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Further discussion between US and UK on approach to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Two points of procedure concerning approach to UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion of tactics to be used at UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Australian objections to Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Letter from Lord Craigavon containing suggestions for solving Canal problem 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Summary of telegram to US ambassador, Cairo for transmission to President Nasser: US policy 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggested draft resolution for UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Sir P Dixon's meeting with Mr J Wadsworth, US deputy representative to UN 03 avril 1957 03 avril 1957 Payment of dues: parliamentary question by Mr Paget MP to foreign secretary; instructions to captains of UK ships as to whom they should pay 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 1 (c) discussed at meeting with Canadians on 26 Mar 1957; future UK use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 5 (3) discussed at meeting with Canadians on 26 Mar 1957; six principles rejected by President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Report on arrangement of payment of tolls with Egypt 01 avril 1957 01 avril 1957 Discussion between UK ambassador, Washington, and Mr Dulles: interim agreement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UN Security Council approach to President Nasser: US to play leading supporting role 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Telegram from US ambassador, Cairo, 30 Mar 1957: comments on Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Meeting in Washington of representatives of countries on SCUA executive group 31 mars 1957 31 mars 1957 Mr Dulles' suggestions on possible future actions 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possible approach to UN Security Council should Egypt refuse to negotiate a settlement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Draft telegram to Washington: French suggestion that President Nasser's memorandum be referred immediately to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Memo on telephone conversation between Ottawa and Canadian representatives at Bermuda conference: Canal dispute; Gaza 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Minute to UK secretary of state: possibility of co-ordinating with US to exert pressure on President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Italian view that President Nasser prepared to negotiate with an organization of actual Canal users 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Witholding of tolls: Mr Dulles' suggestion that dues may be paid into IBRD or a special account; legality of witholding tolls; possible violation by Egypt of the 1888 convention if passage through Canal is prevented 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: translated exchange of telegrams between Panamanian ambassador and UK minister for foreign affairs; statement by Panamanian shipping companies on payments to Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Interpretation of Egyptian memorandum by Mr Lange, Norwegian foreign minister 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Views of French government on Egyptian memorandum of 27 Mar 1957: decision to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggestion to Mr Callebaut that Belgian shipowners receive similar advice to that adopted by several countries on use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Parliamentary question by A Henderson MP to foreign secretary: request for a statement on six-point proposals put forward by Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Redefinition of French government's decision to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Unpromising reply from Egyptians received by US State Department 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 French "double blocking" of funds corresponding to tolls paid to Egyptian Canal Authority 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957
FO#371/125513 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Mr Dulles' press conference 03 avril 1957 03 avril 1957 Payment of tolls: draft telegram describing proposed No 3 account in name of National Bank of Egypt 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Text of French Embassy note of 3 Apr 1957 giving French views on referal to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: parliamentary question by Sir C Mott Radclyffe MP to foreign secretary; arrangements made for payment by UK ships and advice to shipowners 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Parliamentary question by Mr H Hynd MP to foreign secretary: terms under which UK ships will pass through Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Text of message from Mr Menzies, Australian prime minister, to UK prime minister: powers of UN General Assembly 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possible passage of Israeli ships through Canal: press conference given by Mr Dulles 03 avril 1957 03 avril 1957 UN seek solution to problem of Canal and relations between Egypt and Israel: pledge of continuing support from US president 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Copy of communication sent by Egyptian government to foreign missions in Cairo on 18 Mar 1957: Egyptian position on Suez dispute 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of Canal tolls through SCUA: first draft paper produced by Treasury 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues and services: presumption that sterling from scheduled territories would be immediately transferable to No 3 account 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between US ambassador and President Nasser: telegram received by Mr Dillon 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Account of recent visit to Cairo by Mr J McCloy 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Extracts from UN secretary general's press conference 04 avril 1957 04 avril 1957 Meeting of in Washington between Sir H Caccia and Mr Dulles on 7 Apr 1957: Egypt evasive on multilateral engagement and co-operation with users 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possible alternative courses of action: team of negotiating experts to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Mr Dulles: decision to take a one week holiday 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Australian attitude to dispute 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues through SCUA 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Telegram from Belgian ambassador, Cairo: effects of western policy within Egypt 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Egyptian plan on future functioning of Canal to be registered with UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between economic minister and Mr G Humphrey, US treasury secretary 08 avril 1957 08 avril 1957 Discussion between Sir H Caccia and Mr Dillon: next course of action 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 French government: change of view about approaching UN Security Council immediately 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 CRO telegram: Egyptian rejection of US approach 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Aide mémoire left at Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 25 Mar 1957, for use by ambassador: views of UK government on Egyptian arrangement for operating canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957
FO#371/125514 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Parliamentary question by A Henderson MP on consultations between UK and other governments on Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 French in full support of US negotiations with Egypt 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: parliamentary question by Mr H Hynd MP to foreign secretary; terms on which UK ships pass through Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possible leakages to press of interim arrangements for settlement, to be coped with on an adhoc basis 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Draft Egyptian memorandum on Canal: comments by UN secretary general 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of tolls: paper on Egyptian discrimination against sterling 03 avril 1957 03 avril 1957 Approach to UN Security Council: suggested dates and procedure 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UK plan of action to precede US request for meeting of UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Advantage of obtaining executive committee agreement on draft resolution for consideration by SCUA Council: agreement of Mr Dillon 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggestion for bringing together UN General Assembly if President Nasser does not reach an agreement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Telegram from Canberra to Australian High Commissioner's Office, London: request for clarification of points on US discussions in Cairo 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Redraft of Mr Ford's memo on paying dues through SCUA agency 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Report from US Embassy: no truth in press reports that Egypt is to attend conference in Geneva with Canal users 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Meetings of Mr Hare, US ambassador to Egypt, with President Nasser and Dr Fawzi on 10 Apr 1957: US State Department reported as receiving only preliminary account of talk 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Request by Mr Dillon for UK opinions on possibility of co-operation between Egyptian government and user shipping companies 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Replies to telegram no 721 to Bonn: advice to shipowners to exercise restraint in using Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Copies of plan for settlement of dispute by Mr A Soliman, Basle 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Dutch shipowners made aware that Dutch government wish use of Canal to be avoided 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between Portuguese ambassador and Sir F Hoyer Millar on 9 Apr 1957 about use of Canal: diverting of Portuguese ships 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between US State Department and Egyptian government 13 avril 1957 13 avril 1957 Consideration of procedures to be used in meeting of the UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Degree of user consultation which will be acceptable to Egypt 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between UK secretary of state and Mr Pineau at Lascelle, St Cloud, France on 10 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Mr Hare hopes for interview with President Nasser: Mr Dillon prefers not to pass on latest Egyptian memorandum at present 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion at board meeting of IBRD on 11 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 No messages yet received from Mr Hare: text of Egyptian draft declaration on Suez Canal to follow 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Text of Egyptian draft declaration on Suez Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between UN secretary general and Mr J Wadsworth: approach to UN Security Council and possible reactions of President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Personal message from UK prime minister to Australian prime minister: view of a Egyptian draft memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Reference to UN Security Council: form of resolution and main negotiations 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UK delegation's note on chronology of Canal negotiations 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957
FO#371/125515 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Correspondence to UK prime minister from Sir R Hankey, UK ambassador to Sweden: suggestion that Egyptian Suez Canal Co joins with Universal Suez Canal Co in running Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 US government's intentions to request UN Security Council meeting on 16 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues through IBRD: copies of minute and draft note by chancellor of Exchequer 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UK prime minister to include revised passage on Suez Canal in speech at Ayr 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Relevant points for other UN delegations to make after speech by UK represenative 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Reaction of Mr Joxe to lines of UK approach to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: Egyptian violation of clearing agreement in case of three Italian ships 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: memo by chancellor of the Exchequer; payment to Bank of International Settlements; Egyptian No 3 account 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between Sir F Hoyer Millar and French ambassador: latest position 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UN General assembly resolution calling for settlement in accordance with six principles: probable results 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: UK suggestion that freely transferable Egyptian (No 3) account be opened at Bank of England 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Opinion of UN secretary general and Mr Hare that US State Department are generally against proceeding to UN Security Council on 17 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Notice given to Egyptians of US government's intention to file request for UN Security Council 17 avril 1957 17 avril 1957 Discussion between UK and French delegations on approach to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possibility of registering Egyptian declaration 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UN secretary general's approach to Egypt with advice to register their declaration: general confusion 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Text of UN secretary general's message to Dr Fawzi about Egyptian declaration 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Egyptian draft declaration: discussion between Sir P Dixon and UN secretary general 17 avril 1957 17 avril 1957 Discussion between Sir G Jebb and Mr Joxe on various aspects of attempts to achieve a settlement 16 avril 1957 16 avril 1957 Australian comments on UK measures to obtain a settlement: suggestion of condemnatory attitude in UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Legality of registering Egyptian declaration: postscript sent to Egyptians by UN secretary general 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: French agreement to pay under protest, but refusal to support any resolution allowing ships to use Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Replies by US president to questions at news conference 17 avril 1957 17 avril 1957 Instructions to US ambassador, Cairo, to obtain improvements in draft Egyptian memorandum and to press for early publication 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between Mr Dillon and French ambassador, 17 Apr 1957: US approach to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: Italian ships to pay through clearing agreement for ten more days, then transferable lire demanded 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between Sir G Jebb and Mr Sevilleau on SCUA resolution and US handling of Egyptians 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggestion by Mr Hare for alternative wording of declaration to President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Swedish views on use of Canal and reference to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Mr Dillon's departure for Ottawa: US State Department expect communication from Egyptian government regarding Suez dispute 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Endorsement of UN secretary general's message to Egypt: instructions sent to Mr Hare 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Mr Hare authorized only to express disappointment at lack of certain provisions in Egyptian declaration 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between Sir H Caccia and Mr Rountree, US deputy-assistant secretary of state: US government request for meeting of UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Agreement by Mr Dulles to pressurize Egypt into making decision: Mr Dulles to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957