Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

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PREM#11/2414 Relations between US and Egypt 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1958
FO#371/125512 Possible use of Suez Canal by UK ships: impracticality of payment in sterling; possible payment in foreign currency 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 3 of meeting on 21 Mar 1957; payment of dues 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: report by Working Committee on possible intertim arangement 20 mars 1957 20 mars 1957 Discussion between Sir H Caccia and Mr Dillon: approach to UN Security Council and whether US would take initiative 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Reply of Dr Fawzi to US ambassador: argument against inclusion of reference to six principles in Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Sir H Caccia's notification of emergency telegram due on 4 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Further discussion between US and UK on approach to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Two points of procedure concerning approach to UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion of tactics to be used at UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Australian objections to Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Letter from Lord Craigavon containing suggestions for solving Canal problem 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Summary of telegram to US ambassador, Cairo for transmission to President Nasser: US policy 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggested draft resolution for UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Sir P Dixon's meeting with Mr J Wadsworth, US deputy representative to UN 03 avril 1957 03 avril 1957 Payment of dues: parliamentary question by Mr Paget MP to foreign secretary; instructions to captains of UK ships as to whom they should pay 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 1 (c) discussed at meeting with Canadians on 26 Mar 1957; future UK use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 5 (3) discussed at meeting with Canadians on 26 Mar 1957; six principles rejected by President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Report on arrangement of payment of tolls with Egypt 01 avril 1957 01 avril 1957 Discussion between UK ambassador, Washington, and Mr Dulles: interim agreement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UN Security Council approach to President Nasser: US to play leading supporting role 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Telegram from US ambassador, Cairo, 30 Mar 1957: comments on Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Meeting in Washington of representatives of countries on SCUA executive group 31 mars 1957 31 mars 1957 Mr Dulles' suggestions on possible future actions 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possible approach to UN Security Council should Egypt refuse to negotiate a settlement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Draft telegram to Washington: French suggestion that President Nasser's memorandum be referred immediately to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Memo on telephone conversation between Ottawa and Canadian representatives at Bermuda conference: Canal dispute; Gaza 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Minute to UK secretary of state: possibility of co-ordinating with US to exert pressure on President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Italian view that President Nasser prepared to negotiate with an organization of actual Canal users 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Witholding of tolls: Mr Dulles' suggestion that dues may be paid into IBRD or a special account; legality of witholding tolls; possible violation by Egypt of the 1888 convention if passage through Canal is prevented 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: translated exchange of telegrams between Panamanian ambassador and UK minister for foreign affairs; statement by Panamanian shipping companies on payments to Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Interpretation of Egyptian memorandum by Mr Lange, Norwegian foreign minister 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Views of French government on Egyptian memorandum of 27 Mar 1957: decision to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggestion to Mr Callebaut that Belgian shipowners receive similar advice to that adopted by several countries on use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Parliamentary question by A Henderson MP to foreign secretary: request for a statement on six-point proposals put forward by Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Redefinition of French government's decision to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Unpromising reply from Egyptians received by US State Department 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 French "double blocking" of funds corresponding to tolls paid to Egyptian Canal Authority 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957
FO#371/125512 Possible use of Suez Canal by UK ships: impracticality of payment in sterling; possible payment in foreign currency 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 3 of meeting on 21 Mar 1957; payment of dues 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: report by Working Committee on possible intertim arangement 20 mars 1957 20 mars 1957 Discussion between Sir H Caccia and Mr Dillon: approach to UN Security Council and whether US would take initiative 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Reply of Dr Fawzi to US ambassador: argument against inclusion of reference to six principles in Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Sir H Caccia's notification of emergency telegram due on 4 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Further discussion between US and UK on approach to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Two points of procedure concerning approach to UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion of tactics to be used at UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Australian objections to Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Letter from Lord Craigavon containing suggestions for solving Canal problem 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Summary of telegram to US ambassador, Cairo for transmission to President Nasser: US policy 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggested draft resolution for UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Sir P Dixon's meeting with Mr J Wadsworth, US deputy representative to UN 03 avril 1957 03 avril 1957 Payment of dues: parliamentary question by Mr Paget MP to foreign secretary; instructions to captains of UK ships as to whom they should pay 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 1 (c) discussed at meeting with Canadians on 26 Mar 1957; future UK use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 5 (3) discussed at meeting with Canadians on 26 Mar 1957; six principles rejected by President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Report on arrangement of payment of tolls with Egypt 01 avril 1957 01 avril 1957 Discussion between UK ambassador, Washington, and Mr Dulles: interim agreement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UN Security Council approach to President Nasser: US to play leading supporting role 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Telegram from US ambassador, Cairo, 30 Mar 1957: comments on Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Meeting in Washington of representatives of countries on SCUA executive group 31 mars 1957 31 mars 1957 Mr Dulles' suggestions on possible future actions 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possible approach to UN Security Council should Egypt refuse to negotiate a settlement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Draft telegram to Washington: French suggestion that President Nasser's memorandum be referred immediately to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Memo on telephone conversation between Ottawa and Canadian representatives at Bermuda conference: Canal dispute; Gaza 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Minute to UK secretary of state: possibility of co-ordinating with US to exert pressure on President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Italian view that President Nasser prepared to negotiate with an organization of actual Canal users 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Witholding of tolls: Mr Dulles' suggestion that dues may be paid into IBRD or a special account; legality of witholding tolls; possible violation by Egypt of the 1888 convention if passage through Canal is prevented 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: translated exchange of telegrams between Panamanian ambassador and UK minister for foreign affairs; statement by Panamanian shipping companies on payments to Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Interpretation of Egyptian memorandum by Mr Lange, Norwegian foreign minister 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Views of French government on Egyptian memorandum of 27 Mar 1957: decision to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggestion to Mr Callebaut that Belgian shipowners receive similar advice to that adopted by several countries on use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Parliamentary question by A Henderson MP to foreign secretary: request for a statement on six-point proposals put forward by Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Redefinition of French government's decision to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Unpromising reply from Egyptians received by US State Department 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 French "double blocking" of funds corresponding to tolls paid to Egyptian Canal Authority 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957
FO#371/125512 Possible use of Suez Canal by UK ships: impracticality of payment in sterling; possible payment in foreign currency 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 3 of meeting on 21 Mar 1957; payment of dues 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: report by Working Committee on possible intertim arangement 20 mars 1957 20 mars 1957 Discussion between Sir H Caccia and Mr Dillon: approach to UN Security Council and whether US would take initiative 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Reply of Dr Fawzi to US ambassador: argument against inclusion of reference to six principles in Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Sir H Caccia's notification of emergency telegram due on 4 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Further discussion between US and UK on approach to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Two points of procedure concerning approach to UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion of tactics to be used at UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Australian objections to Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Letter from Lord Craigavon containing suggestions for solving Canal problem 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Summary of telegram to US ambassador, Cairo for transmission to President Nasser: US policy 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggested draft resolution for UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Sir P Dixon's meeting with Mr J Wadsworth, US deputy representative to UN 03 avril 1957 03 avril 1957 Payment of dues: parliamentary question by Mr Paget MP to foreign secretary; instructions to captains of UK ships as to whom they should pay 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 1 (c) discussed at meeting with Canadians on 26 Mar 1957; future UK use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Bermuda Conference: item 5 (3) discussed at meeting with Canadians on 26 Mar 1957; six principles rejected by President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Report on arrangement of payment of tolls with Egypt 01 avril 1957 01 avril 1957 Discussion between UK ambassador, Washington, and Mr Dulles: interim agreement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UN Security Council approach to President Nasser: US to play leading supporting role 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Telegram from US ambassador, Cairo, 30 Mar 1957: comments on Egyptian memorandum 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Meeting in Washington of representatives of countries on SCUA executive group 31 mars 1957 31 mars 1957 Mr Dulles' suggestions on possible future actions 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possible approach to UN Security Council should Egypt refuse to negotiate a settlement 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Draft telegram to Washington: French suggestion that President Nasser's memorandum be referred immediately to UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Memo on telephone conversation between Ottawa and Canadian representatives at Bermuda conference: Canal dispute; Gaza 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Minute to UK secretary of state: possibility of co-ordinating with US to exert pressure on President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Italian view that President Nasser prepared to negotiate with an organization of actual Canal users 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Witholding of tolls: Mr Dulles' suggestion that dues may be paid into IBRD or a special account; legality of witholding tolls; possible violation by Egypt of the 1888 convention if passage through Canal is prevented 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Payment of dues: translated exchange of telegrams between Panamanian ambassador and UK minister for foreign affairs; statement by Panamanian shipping companies on payments to Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Interpretation of Egyptian memorandum by Mr Lange, Norwegian foreign minister 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Views of French government on Egyptian memorandum of 27 Mar 1957: decision to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Suggestion to Mr Callebaut that Belgian shipowners receive similar advice to that adopted by several countries on use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Parliamentary question by A Henderson MP to foreign secretary: request for a statement on six-point proposals put forward by Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Redefinition of French government's decision to approach UN Security Council 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Unpromising reply from Egyptians received by US State Department 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 French "double blocking" of funds corresponding to tolls paid to Egyptian Canal Authority 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957
FO#371/125520 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Settlement of Suez Canal dispute through UN 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UK appreciation for support from governments of maritime countries at SCUA meetings: UK government's advice against using Canal to be withdrawn in near future 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UK government forced to abandon boycott on Canal by action of shipping companies of other countries 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 UK government forced to abandon boycott on Canal by action of shipping companies of other countries: telegrame to Israel and to UN secretary general to inform them of UK intentions 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Comments by Mrs G Meir, Israeli foreign affairs minister: UK decision to withdraw boycott of Canal; Israel's rights of passage 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Mr Mollet's refusal to support UK attitude on use of Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Details of Japanese ships using Canal: view that Japanese government prefer their policies to remain unaffected by those of foreign countries 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 New arrangements for payment of dues: continuation of policy of using economic pressure against President Nasser 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Use of Canal by US ships: news conference by Mr Dulles 02 avril 1957 02 avril 1957 US press statement on US policy towards Suez Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Draft cable to National Bank of Egypt, Cairo, suggesting opening of the No 3 account 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Parliamentary question by Neil McLean MP: attitude of UK government towards latest unilateral declaration by Egyptian government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Parliamentary question by Neil McLean MP: request for statement on consultations regarding Egyptian government's declaration on Canal 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Views of Dr Voigt, FRG foreign affairs minister, on FRG position following Egyptian declaration 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Comments of Mr Unden on UK prime minister's statement on 14 May 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Status of Suez Canal: text of Egyptian declaration of 24 Apr 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Draft statement by UK prime minister on Suez situation 20 mai 1957 20 mai 1957 French request for meeting of UN Security Council on 20 May 1957 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Possibility of SCUA pressure on UK shipowners to accept Egyptian Canal system 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Discussion between UK Embassy, Paris, and Mr Crouy-Chanel, French foreign minister: reservations under which tolls will be paid; separate UK and French policies 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957 Appeal by France that UN Security Council should meet to discuss Suez: resignation of Mr Mollet and his government 01 janvier 1957 01 janvier 1957