Documents britanniques ( 1158 )
Documents du gouvernement britannique du Public Documentation Office PRO sur l’Égypte et Nasser depuis 1919 - 1972

Référence portée de : à :
FO#371/119079 Speech by Col Nasser on his return to Cairo, 28 July 1956: nationalization and Egyptian independence 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Speech by Col Nasser on his return to Cairo, 28 July 1956: comments by Sir H Trevelyan; reaction of Egyptian people Date indisponible Date indisponible Speech by Col Nasser on his return to Cairo, 28 July 1956: extracts from speech Date indisponible Date indisponible Nationalization of Suez Canal: text of message from King Hussein of Jordan to Col Nasser Date indisponible Date indisponible Nationalization of Suez Canal: text of decision issued by Col Nasser, 26 July 1956; list of members of administrative body to run Suez Canal Company Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119080 Nationalization of Suez Canal: full text of speech by Col Nasser, 28 July 1956 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Nationalization of Suez Canal: discussion between Col Nasser and Mr Byroade, US ambassador, Cairo, 30 July 1956 Date indisponible Date indisponible Egyptian policy: report that Col Nasser trying to divide US from UK and French positions; comments by Sir H Trevelyan Date indisponible Date indisponible Syrian statement of support for Col Nasser's action on Suez Canal issue: report by UK Embassy, Damascus, 30 July, 1956 Date indisponible Date indisponible Nationalization of Suez Canal: text of speech by Col Nasser in Alexandria, 26 July 1956 Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119081 Egyptian statement on nationalization of Suez Canal: text of statement by Col Nasser, 31 July 1956 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Interview between Sunday Times correspondent and Col Nasser: enquiry whether FO would like certain questions to be asked during interview. Date indisponible Date indisponible Nationalization of Suez Canal: FO request for full text of speech given by Col Nasser on 26 July 1956 Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119082 Egyptian policy on Suez Canal: text of statement by Col Nasser, 31 july 1956 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Nationalization of Suez Canal: exchange of massages between Libyan government and Col Nasser; report by UK embassy, Tripoly, 1 August, 1956 Date indisponible Date indisponible
FO#371/119083 Nationalization of Suez Canal: speech by Col Nasser at Alex, 1 August 1956 01 janvier 1956 01 janvier 1956 Position of Egypt among Arab nations: speech by Col Nasser at Aboukir, 1 August 1956 Date indisponible Date indisponible Speeches by Col Nasser , 1 August 1956, and UK and US actions over Suez: Egyptian press reactions Date indisponible Date indisponible